
attribute largely in a sentence

1) This attributed largely to the phenotypes is usually absent, incomplete, or delayed into adulthood.

2) The success achieved was attributed largely to the fact that the transmission was across the open sea.

attribute collocations
3) The impressive degree of mobility found in the Treasury study has been attributed largely to two factors.

4) The length, cost, and ferocity of the war can also be attributed largely to him.

attribute largely example sentences

5) The plateau in warming from the 1940s to 1960s can be attributed largely to sulphate aerosol cooling.

6) Loss of biodiversity can be attributed largely to the appropriation of land for agroforestry and the effects of climate change.

7) During the 1900s (decade) the city's 38% growth in population was attributed largely to the interurban.

8) Strong attendance was attributed largely to collaborative promotional efforts with a locally based foundation that frequently provides grant funding to area non-profits.

9) The high level of unintended pregnancy and the gap between actual and desired fertility in Uganda can be attributed largely to insufficient contraceptive use.

10) The February gain was the largest since August 2013 and nearly reversed the 0.9 percent decline in January attributed largely to winter storms.

11) From 1873 to 1876, he was president of the United States Centennial Commission, and the success of the Centennial Exhibition was attributed largely to him.

12) The average monthly AFDC caseload rose by 33 percent over the five-year period ending in 1993; the growth can be attributed largely to the 1990-1991 recession.

13) Her rise in the polls was attributed largely to her heavy media presence, as a polling researcher pointed out, "You can't miss her television ads.

14) This change can be attributed largely to the mass transit technologies, such as railroads and steamboats, that the West developed in the 19th century.

example sentences with attribute

15) The federal guilty plea rate has risen from 83% in 1983 to 96% in 2009, a rise attributed largely to the Sentencing Guidelines.

16) Ameer is title of leadership in the Tabligh Jamaat and the attribute largely sought is the quality of faith, rather than the worldly rank.

17) However, this economical success is attributed largely to debt reduction and securing of the billion dollars worth US aid to Pakistan in return for the support in the US-led war on terror.

18) However, the general discontent for her presidency was attributed largely to the failure of the government to communicate Megawati's achievements rather than the state of the country itself.

19) Despite its large video game market, esports in Japan is relatively underdeveloped, which has been attributed largely to its broad anti-gambling laws.

20) But faced with stagnant sales that Evanier attributed largely to DC's lack of interest in publicizing the series, the book was canceled with "Blackhawk" 273 (November 1984).

21) The success of Efteling has been attributed largely to its high-quality ride designs and architecture, in addition to its pleasant greenery and gardening.

22) The rapid growth of cities like Chicago in the late 19th century, Tokyo in the mid twentieth, and Mumbai in the 21st century can be attributed largely to rural-urban migration.

23) The origin of the word "walrus" is thought by J.R.R. Tolkien to derive from a Germanic language, and it has been attributed largely to either the Dutch language or Old Norse.

24) Sweden's national Riksdag is made up of 45 per cent women – attributed largely to its system of proportional representation, a more consensual political culture and family-friendly scheduling.

25) BlackBerry reported a current subscriber base of approximately 76 million, a loss of about 3 million users, which CEO Thorsten Heins attributed largely to the loss of prepaid customers.

26) Therefore the unsolved crimes of 9/11, attributed largely to young men from Saudi Arabia, should be considered in light of Tenet's actions.

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