
attractively design in a sentence

1) It is clear, uncluttered and attractively designed .

2) This plugin seems like a stand-alone application with its large and attractively designed interface.

3) They're well-written and attractively designed .

4) Much of the argument for teaching history can best be conveyed in attractively designed departmental brochures.

attractively design example sentences

5) All the rooms are individually and very attractively designed (Bernadette herself has a keen interest in interior design).

6) All of our bedrooms are attractively designed with rich colour schemes, and all very large ranging from 35sqM to 45SqM.

7) While the Darrin was designed attractively, it was also underpowered and, while a good performer overall, did not measure up to foreign vehicles such as the Nash-Healey or Triumph TR2.

8) The stations for the small-profile trains, built earlier, had been more attractively designed, whereas the U6 merely had white plaster finishing.

9) This sophisticated styler is attractively designed in gold and black, and has a matching black plug and usually costs £8.99 but we have 10 to give away free.

10) While some auto writers say that the RAV4's interior has some cheap plastic surfaces, others write that it's attractively designed with quality materials.

11) I deleted it in short order because I discovered that Path, well-intentioned and attractively designed though it was, sucked at doing that job.

12) It is now common practice in large hotels to issue guests on arrival with identity booklets in attractively designed folders containing information on the facilities available in the hotel.

13) Even though the trendy and stylish chairs are extremely attractively designed and look marvelous but at the restaurants and the houses where there are no youngsters.

14) And it's pure marketing GENIUS - make a attractively designed RENISIS motor in that window - EVERYONE that sees the car - can't help but SEE and APPRECIATE that UNIQUE Rotary powerplant.

example sentences with attractively

15) Now in a sleek and attractively designed product they can have:

16) " Customers will demand products that are as attractively designed and easy to use as a game or tablet, ubiquitous as a cellphone and as extensible as a PC," Orlov writes in her report.

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