
attractive female in a sentence

1) I would consider myself to be a very attractive female .

2) Hi, we are two young attractive females aged 18 and 19.

attractive collocations
3) DEVON- 22 year-old Caucasian attractive female .

4) An attractive female who wears mirrored armour, Silver Sun is very intelligent and sadistic.

attractive female example sentences

5) Mostly only the youthful and attractive Chokwe females were taken and spared as captives.

6) In many languages the word "chick" is used to describe an attractive human female .

7) In the storyline, a nasty male chauvinist, is reincarnated as an attractive female .

8) AMY- 19 year-old attractive female .

9) A new study on bonobos revealed that attractive females are more likely to win conflicts against males .

10) The victims were attractive females and Virgie has no idea that she will be the next victim.

11) Nothing moves more people than the deaths or disappearances of young people, especially attractive young white females .

12) Still, he is never seen at a gala or concert without an attractive female on his arm.

13) McMahon was ready to hire another attractive female until Keibler interrupted and performed a table dance in the ring.

14) For an attractive female not to be asked to this event could plunge her to the depths of despair.

example sentences with attractive

15) The typical self-cutter has been described as a young, single, attractive female who repeatedly cuts her wrist or forearm.

16) Do you know how hard it is to find attractive females who 'll tolerate round-the-clock airings of The Stranglers and Killing Joke?

17) It was by my own mental devices that my mind suddenly "awakened" to the cognitive dissonance I was experiencing with every attractive female I spent time with but knew somehow could never be mothers.

18) Corman added Nicholson in the lead role and a couple of attractive females, and the result was another Corman classic, a comic-strip horror tale, silly in conception but wittily funny.

19) If you don't confirm, would you please tell us why an attractive young female of high status was chosen for the Augmentin advertisement?

20) Would you please confirm or deny that the choice of an attractive young female of high status for the Augmentin advertisement was based on evidence that such people are able to influence doctors?

21) SMART GRADUATE MALE seeks bright, personable, attractive female, 25-35, for fun travel, theatre, maybe more?

22) Pair the selling of merchandise with attractive females in their prime childbearing years so that the valences of lovemaking and mothering can be transferred intact to the goods vended.

23) In comparison to Vaarsuvius, who displays no attraction to either gender, Pompey is quite lecherous and readily flirts with any attractive female .

24) According to Stapleton, both were using each other: Mandy's motive being to gain security, and Ian's motive being to possess an attractive female .

25) He and Sharon begin dating with the occasional break-up due to Johnny's long-time friend Shaun, an attractive female who often gets in the way of their relationship.

26) One third were presented with a photo of an attractive female as author, another third with that of an unattractive female as author, and the last third were shown neither.

27) I'm a 21-year old witty and attractive blonde female who wants to hear from humorous and intelligent chaps I love U2, INXS, gothic and heavy music; art and films.

28) We worship CEO's, the American founders (fathers), anyone who has a position of authority, attractive females, jocks, and leaders of all kinds.

29) attractive females of the killers normal age range, i.e. those that would qualify by age to be a (sexual) partner in proportion to the killer's own age, appear to be the killer's primary target.

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