
attractant in a sentence

1) I am conducting chemical attractant research within chemical ecology domain .

2) A major attractant for birds is fresh water.

3) An attractant is placed inside the hole.

4) Once mature, they produce a volatile chemical attractant.

attractant example sentences

5) Non-hazardous pesticides with natural attractants are rarely found.

6) Most alarm pheromones are volatile compounds that function as attractants.

7) To confirm the behavioural activity of attractants in the laboratory 3.

8) To identify the attractants in senesced leaf material 2.

9) Wetlands are another major attractant of wildlife in the airport environment.

10) This shrub is a very good hummingbird attractant.

11) attractants range from restaurant waste to unpicked berries.

12) The bait matrix contains 11 attractants to combat bait aversion and maximize control.

13) These chemicals can serve as synthetic attractants to lure yellowjackets.

14) Protein hydrolysates and ammonium salts may be used as attractants.

example sentences with attractant

15) This fruit often serves as an attractant to seed-dispersing animals.

16) Rosemary is another excellent bee attractant.

17) KNF insect attractants are non-toxic methods of pest control.

18) For large trapping efforts, additional traps are generally cheaper than expensive artificial attractants.

19) They have been formulated with attractants which cockroaches cannot resist.

20) Placement of an attractant such as a supplement site can reinforce herding practices.

21) I was blown away by the continued onslaught of fish attractants and chums.

22) Parrot cichlids fed with natural colorants and attractants naturally develop a red color.

23) Landfills that accept putrescible or edible waste are major attractant of hazardous bird species.

24) The attractant strips only work where there are low levels of the WCFF.

25) Pollinators find flowers through bright colorations, including ultraviolet, and attractant pheromones.

26) It is sometimes mixed with an attractant or other additives to increase its effectiveness.

27) A brilliant way to start or finish off a date with this powerful attractant.

How to use attractant in a sentence

28) The scent of plants such as yarrow acts as an olfactory attractant to females.

29) The factor it displaces, I-TAC, is a T-cell attractant.

30) Humans are, of course, the "superior attractant" I was referring to.

31) Such complexities must be carefully investigated or considered when attractants are incorporated into hair collection surveys.

32) How expensive is it to refill with the CO2 and the other attractants?

33) For grizzly bears, the attractant should be at least 2 m from the wire.

34) Soluble Premium Boilies contain many attractants making them the perfect bait to achieve fantastic results.

35) We do not attend any events involving large public crowds whose presence are becoming attractants for terrorism.

36) Another group of chemical attractants are cytokines that recruit neutrophils and monocytes from the blood.

37) However, the MCPs no longer respond to the attractant when they are fully methylated.

38) Properly operated vegetative composting sites provide no food for birds and are not attractants to them.

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