
attract the ire of in a sentence

1) the anti-bullying program attracted the ire of right-wing Christian activists.

2) Once in his post, he attracted the ire of Van Rensselaer with his independence.

attract collocations
3) You don't have to be a Wendy Doniger to attract the ire of the Hindutva hunter-gatherers.

4) This attracted the ire of the people of St. Scholastique who protested vehemently against the expropriation of their land.

attract the ire of example sentences

5) Also at this time, North Korea was attracting the ire of the international community for its attempts at developing nuclear weapons.

6) Soon, thanks to Renfrew's career advice, the Kangaroo becomes the laughing-stock of the super-villain world, attracting the ire of the Joker, the Penguin, the Riddler, among others.

7) According to legal reporter Jan Crawford Greenburg, Kennedy attracts the ire of conservatives when he does not vote with his more rightist colleagues.

8) Warr had to resort to shifting and falling to the ground in order to stay in the contest, and as both tactics were regarded as underhand he attracted the ire of the crowd.

9) the brother of a former band member, Hontz has helped the band make the most out of its musical performances and steered the band away from behavior that may have attracted the ire of the university.

10) His actions attracted the ire of many wrestlers, as he endangered some wrestlers by performing moves on them which they were not anticipating.

11) Here he attracted the ire of priests following a heated discussion, and Hassan was thrown out of the town he was in.

12) Modi attracted the ire of almost the entire non-BJP political spectrum with mainstream J u0026K parties and separatists criticizing the statement as "unwarranted and unacceptable".

13) " This now attracted the ire of the riksmÄl camp.

14) "Godzilla vs. Megalon" has attracted the ire of many Godzilla fans in the decades since its original release.

example sentences with attract

15) ... TONY Abbott ' s local footy team, the Manly Sea Eagles, has for a long time attracted the ire of rivals who perceive them to be wealthier than they actually are.

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