
attract settler in a sentence

1) Spain was making generous land grants to attract settlers into Florida.

2) His job was to photograph the West to help attract settlers.

attract collocations
3) It had early attracted settlers, whose grants now cover the entire ground.

4) The drive to attract settlers from New England was not immediately successful.

attract settler example sentences

5) Quincy's location along the Mississippi River has attracted settlers for centuries.

6) The reasoning ran that the national attention would attract settlers, especially women.

7) This town soon attracted settlers from the Eastern United States and Europe.

8) The territory of present-day Bardejov has attracted settlers since the Stone Age.

9) Small towns bragged of their large elevator rows in promotional pamphlets to attract settlers.

10) It was essential that order be restored and maintained if the Canadian Northwest was to attract settlers.

11) By 1839, the town had failed to attract settlers and only a few frame houses had been built.

12) To attract settlers standards were relaxed, many people being granted lands as 'odnodvortsy' (roughly yeomen).

13) But, the great difficulty in attracting settlers meant that by 22 August 1460, the island was still unpopulated.

14) His attempts to attract settlers or evict the squatters who had arrived from Saint Pierre and Miquelon were however unsuccessful.

example sentences with attract

15) They began aggressive recruitment programs designed to attract settlers to the area, offering free land and backing for export-oriented businesses.

16) Explorers' reports of the fertile and heavily timbered region attracted settlers to Humboldt Bay and the Eel River Valley.

17) In 1887, silver was discovered in the Santa Ana Mountains, attracting settlers via the Santa Fe and Southern Pacific Railroads.

18) The town continued to attract settlers from other Illinois communities; 50 individuals, 44% of the population, claimed Illinois as their place of origin.

19) The roads they open attract settlers and ranchers who, by means of the slashing and burning the TTF publicly laments, complete the destruction the timber companies began.

20) The evolving large towns of the area–Lübeck, Wismar, Stralsund, Greifswald, Stettin–attracted settlers primarily from Westphalia, Eastphalia, the Low Countries and the Lower Rhine area.

21) Few did, but Santa Barbara began to attract settlers, as newcomers discovered the charms of the place, including that almost anything planted would grow there.

22) Although religious toleration was beginning to emerge as a value during the Enlightenment, it was the pragmatic need to attract settlers that led to broad religious freedoms.

23) Jackson's pottery, which became a local centre of pottery production, attracted settlers to the area and became a source of pride to local residents.

24) While the authors were wary of affording too much political autonomy, it was felt that some freedom would be necessary to attract settlers, as well as economic investment.

25) Accumulation of fine sediments iduring the era of Lake Hitchcock accounts for this region's exceptionally rich agricultural soil, which attracted settlers as early as 1635.

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