
attorney present in a sentence

1) attorneys were present in this story as well .

2) We think it's fine to have attorneys present at the negotiations.

attorney collocations
3) There are usually no attorneys present at these meetings, just the spouses.

4) No attorney was present to represent Heaton when he appeared before the judge.

attorney present example sentences

5) Melson met with investigators with his personal attorney present – not Justice Department attorneys.

6) Jackalow's attorney was not present, and, by letter, requested a postponement.

7) Penn, his mother Lorraine Shin, and his attorney were present to make statements.

8) Usually, only the prosecution presents witnesses and the defendant and his attorney is not present .

9) It has the power to indict, subpoena, and interview witnesses without their attorneys being present .

10) As many attorneys are present and Government rules and regulations for business their is no need for a Union.

11) However, Reich's Esper attorney is present, ostensibly to guard Reich's business secrets from unwanted peeping.

12) This is most often done on the same day of the hearing, with all parties and their attorneys present .

13) According to Beyle, the pact came after extensive consultations between both parties, with attorneys also present at the signing.

14) If a defense attorney is present, he or she is only there to advise on the choices presented, not defend his or her client.

example sentences with attorney

15) The attorneys are present in a trial to represent the parties, but they also have a duty to see that the trial is fair and impartial.

16) Detainees must be informed of their rights, including the right to an attorney and the right to remain silent until an attorney is present .

17) Just as in the interrogation, there was no defense attorney present at the trial and the proceedings moved quickly as each witness testified against the defendant.

18) Michaels: Well, first of all, I do believe that the McCarthy Bill clearly states that the defendant may have one of his attorneys present, not three.

19) Due to limited resources, most of the children would appear before the court alone, with no attorney present to help them argue the complexities of their cases.

20) they have the right to have an attorney present before and during the questioning; and

21) "At these hearings, the Weed law firm failed to ensure that the same attorney was present at each meeting.

22) " The child's guardian requested that an attorney be present, but I informed him that it was not necessary because he was not a suspect at that stage.

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