
attitude shift in a sentence

1) You reflect on your mood and attitude shifts during the day.

2) And more so during a time in dire need of an attitude shift towards women.

attitude collocations
3) A major reason for this is consumer attitude shift from consumption of red meat to white.

4) Framing your world with your words involves replacing negative thinking and words through a right attitude shift .

attitude shift example sentences

5) Only then can the emphasis switch from confrontation to co-operation, the attitude shift from apathy to enthusiasm.

6) Have conversations about what changes – physical modifications and attitude shifts – could be made to create a better and safer experience.

7) He's a salesman who found that as he integrated more light heartedness into his work life, not only did his attitude shift, but his sales quotient went up.

8) Be aware of "What you are searching for or doing that you think is going to get you what you think you want." What we need to do here is create an attitude shift .

9) This type of decision making results in a permanent attitude shift and the person will begin to elaborate on the arguments presented, further strengthening the argument.

10) The testing system then provides measurements of changes in attitudes ('attitude shift ') and the product choice ('preference shift') as a result of the film being shown.

11) A major attitude shift in the way European countries approach congestion management is the importance they place on the roadway user as a customer.

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