
attitude more in a sentence

1) His attitude was more than just mockery.

2) Unintentional attitude is more to the point.

attitude collocations
3) Regardless of that, punk was about attitude more than anything else.

4) attitude is nothing more and nothing less than a person's outward expression of his internal views.

attitude more example sentences

5) Left-wing attitudes were never more than skin-deep, at least in the majority of the population.

6) But in recollectedness, the attitude is more in the nature of 'Thy will be done'.

7) Their attitude was more of a "yeah we need to do something to help those poor girls" thing.

8) Because you are concerned with attitudes more than with facts, you are interested in higher education, philosophy and religion.

9) Its pattern varies considerably from group to group but the general mode of behavior and attitude is more or less the same.

10) It may have manifested as an underlying attitude more than anything else, but Parker was casual and cool - certainly seems so when I talk to other folks about their school experiences.

11) Instead of taking attitudes as relatively straightforward guides to behaviour and expressed as opinions, they sought to measure attitudes more as dispositional and rooted deeper in the personality.

12) A curious thing to note, no matter if he is evil or good, his voice and attitude are more of an attentive and reflexive butler than a berserk warrior.

13) The rhetorical approach emphasizes that any attitude is more than an expression in favour of a position: it is also implicitly or explicitly an argument against a counter-position.

14) According to Job Characteristics Theory, changes in autonomy and feedback influence work behaviors and attitudes more than a change in skill variety, task identity, or task significance.

example sentences with attitude

15) I mean there are degrees as far as " what constitutes harassment," but in the example you're citing, the prevailing attitude here was much more "good for her!

16) u003e I resolve to live today as if attitudes were more easily caught than taught .

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