
attest to in a sentence

1) The statistics attest to these formidable challenges.

2) Many massage therapists can attest to this.

attest collocations
3) All the competing versions attest to that.

4) They also attested to his strong defensive play.

attest to example sentences

5) Shared rhythmic and tonal structures attest to their antiquity.

6) Any real estate agent can attest to that.

7) Davis attested to Fry what had happened.

8) Wall paintings in Pompeii attest to elaborate development later.

9) His many medals and coins attest to his high skill.

10) Changes in American command arrangements attested to the growing commitment.

11) Nothing could more strongly attest to the ultimate absurdity of war.

12) Once given, I attest to this.

13) Fossilized tree trunks here attest to this assessment.

14) Her recently published book attests to that passion.

example sentences with attest

15) Below are words first attested to in his miscellaneous poems.

16) Recent books attest to the strength of such work.

17) I did and they attested to it .

18) All her programmes can attest to that .

19) The 22000 signatures attest to the public support of live music.

20) The evidence extant attests to the shrine's classical antiquity.

21) Some antiques are accompanied by certificates attesting to their authenticity.

22) The August employment report attests to the failed economic policies .

23) An affidavit attesting to the baptism may be substituted.

24) The numerous Councils of Toledo attest to its important ecclesiastical past.

25) But I can personally attest to some instances of unfair treatment .

26) I'm sure Bob can attest to their sting.

27) I can therefore attest to the integrity of her findings.

How to use attest in a sentence

28) I can attest to your comments from first hand experience.

29) I have friends who can attest to it.

30) Many of his most memorable literary effects attest to this.

31) Many people attest to the health benefits of these.

32) I can only attest to how awesome it is !

33) Especially since most of us attest to antibiotics causing our trouble.

34) History attests to Cambodia's martial origins.

35) They attest to having paid $11,000,000 for the whole block.

36) Below are links to documents and statements attesting to this consensus.

37) These figures attested to the high reproducibility of this counting method.

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