
attentive listening in a sentence

1) It requires deeper, more careful, and attentive listening with the ear of the heart.

2) Handsome and aristocratic in appearance, he inspires trust in people by his obliging manner and attentive listening .

attentive collocations
3) Teachers must possess patience, attentive listening, sensitivity, and great responsibility to mold our children into productive adults.

4) Thespian Warning: Any actress playing the role of Mrs. Linde will be doing a great deal of attentive listening .

attentive listening example sentences

5) In business, this is evidenced by asking questions of understanding, attentive listening, clarifying expectations, and responding to needs.

6) As we open our hearts to deep, attentive listening, we find it transforms all our relationships, nurtures our inner voice, and inspires our spiritual growth.

7) I always let them earn back time for attentive listening and learning.) "If you hear my voice..." techniques.

8) The transformation to "engaged listening, and by extension, from talkative to silent audiences," paralleled new theories of music that required more attentive listening .

9) In addition, Martin Seligman proposes the concept of Active-Constructive Responding, which stresses the importance of practicing conscious attentive listening and feedback skills.

10) There is no doubt that attentive, active listening is hard work (we will be thinking about this in the next chapter) but how much one learns through it!

11) This is possible only through years of practice under a Guru, who himself would have acquired the knowledge through attentive listening, reciting and remembering from his Guru.

12) attentive listening to sacred teachings

13) It also reminded me that attentive listening is the most important part of both communication and conflict resolution/transformation.

14) In the mediation sessions we must practice "the absolute necessity: attentive listening ." We must be "inwardly still and as receptive as possible [so we can] hear exactly what is said."

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