
atmospheric disturbance in a sentence

1) The importance of jet maxima comes from their link with other atmospheric disturbances.

2) And when, Ananda, mighty atmospheric disturbances take place, the liquid is agitated.

atmospheric collocations
3) She can also control oxygen atoms and oxygen-containing molecules to create atmospheric disturbances of various kinds.

4) In a later book Beckenbauer reported of "atmospheric disturbances" between the coach and the team.

atmospheric disturbance example sentences

5) Communications were initially provided by a high frequency radio system which proved unreliable because of atmospheric disturbances in the high latitudes.

6) That night, the atmospheric disturbances disabled the electric grid, sank the city into darkness and added to the confusion.

7) Lightning primarily occurs when warm air is mixed with colder air masses, resulting in atmospheric disturbances necessary for polarizing the atmosphere.

8) Anything that disturbs the atmosphere may be detected (Schlieren Photography) because of the Schlieren effect caused by that atmospheric disturbance.

9) It might have been merely an accident, the flight of an insect against the suspended wire, or some little atmospheric disturbance.

10) As a rule the overland stations were unable to handle business satisfactorily during the season of summer atmospheric disturbances, and the stations interfered with each other.

11) While such visual effects may be stunning to watch, such near-Earth atmospheric disturbances from the sun – one sort of space weather – can wreak havoc on electrical grids.

12) Second, the volcano's elevation sets it above atmospheric disturbances (like clouds and weather events), ensuring a clear view of the sky.

13) A small atmospheric disturbance, can cause a plane, which has been trimmed for level flight hands off, to pitch nose downward, say.

14) In the field, sharpness is affected by camera shake (a good tripod can be helpful), focus accuracy, and atmospheric disturbances (thermal effects and aerosols).

example sentences with atmospheric

15) As the titular week begins, Fury learns that Stark is about to die, Banner has entered America, and there are unusual atmospheric disturbances above New Mexico.

16) Also, thunderstorms and other atmospheric disturbances would create electromagnetic interference to disrupt the range signals and produce crackling "static" in the pilots' headsets.

17) It is essentially the reverse of Adaptive optics, rather than minimizing the effect of atmospheric disturbance, Schlieren detection capitalizes on that effect.

18) In addition, he can transform himself into atmospheric disturbances (usually very localized) involving water, such as a blizzard, a monsoon, waterspout or a typhoon.

19) The " tropical hot spot" is supposed to an upper atmospheric disturbance arising from amplified GHG "forcing" in the Tropics.

20) Other atmospheric disturbances ( like the smog in polluted atmosphere's) come into play but these two (the bell-shaped curve and the random shading effects) are "first order" effects.

21) atmospheric disturbances and electric waves emitted from lightning are avoided by placing the coherer in shunt to the wave system, 10 and 11 (Fig. 4), and not directly in series with it.

22) Due to lack of evidence, the investigation could not determine the effect, if any, of the atmospheric disturbances on the airplane or the flight crews ability to maintain continued flight.

23) These atmospheric disturbances influence the average ...

24) "atmospheric disturbances", 2009 novel by Rivka Galchen

25) " So this large atmospheric disturbance found by Spitzer and Hubble gives a new meaning to the concept of extreme weather.

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