
atmosphere of suspicion in a sentence

1) This created an atmosphere of suspicion between India and the US.

2) Scholarship cannot flourish in an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust.

atmosphere collocations
3) On St. Thomas, an atmosphere of suspicion pervaded everything.

4) So the opera begins, not with the high drama of a storm but with the choking atmosphere of suspicion that Grimes cannot escape.

atmosphere of suspicion example sentences

5) Such is the growing atmosphere of suspicion amongst the club's support at present that one could be forgiven for wondering whether this explanation can be taken at face value, though.

6) Nonetheless, the authoritarian nature of the regime has won it many enemies both inside and outside the country, creating an atmosphere of suspicion and intrigue amongst the educated elite.

7) The conference failed to achieve any diplomatic breakthrough, due in large part to an atmosphere of suspicion fostered by the Argentinian delegation.

8) Such rumors were bound to arise no matter what happened, given the atmosphere of suspicion and distrust prevailing in Addis Ababa at the time.

9) No one was punished for a part in the crime, and Æthelred, who was crowned a month after the murder, began to reign in an atmosphere of suspicion which destroyed the prestige of the crown.

10) The atmosphere of suspicion and intrigue that pervaded the White House, with the President increasingly remote from contact with everyday reality, was also captured by the famous tapes.

11) Terrorism has driven human beings apart from each other in order to create an atmosphere of suspicion, distrust and confusion and to create hatred among them so that they can never get united."

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