
athwart in a sentence

1) athwart the First Army axis lay the city of Aachen.

2) He shuffled athwart, keeping one eye ahead vigilantly.

3) Furthermore, Belgium lies athwart the great linguistic divide between French and Dutch.

4) They seemed almost to fly athwart the heavens like so many jugglers' balls.

athwart example sentences

5) The cavalrymen had encountered two new regiments, one athwart each axis of advance.

6) And still the Great Spirit is over all: Religion comes athwart Myth.

7) William F. Buckley famously remarked that he was "standing athwart history yelling'stop!

8) The Predil Pass blockhouse stood athwart Seras' road from the south.

9) Darwen stands athwart the Ribble Valley railway line, operated by Northern Rail.

10) The hungover handjob athwart the unmade bed - you can't do it.

11) Dark clouds were driving athwart the sky, and the setting moon was flushed with the deepest crimson.

12) But oh! that deep romantic chasm which slanted Down the green hill athwart a cedarn cover!

13) But the holding actions gave Washington time to deploy Lord Stirling's division athwart Clinton's advance.

14) Timbers athwart decks and through gun ports were placed in preparation for lifting the Lawrence about three feet.

example sentences with athwart

15) The berths of wood fixed athwart ships in the cabins on the main deck had worked to pieces.

16) Of governmental different vision are the mifepristone or killed locations which primarily challenge athwart the academic skins, dirty show.

17) Finally, Sheridan galloped his men to Appomattox Court House, squarely athwart Lee's line of retreat.

18) The three arc-lamps had come to rest athwart the sunken bomber, sharply illuminating the fuselage and the two wings.

19) During the Cold War, his "National Review" magazine vowed to stand "athwart history, yelling Stop.

20) You could fit a double berth in the cabin by turning it athwart and make it maybe 4 ft. wide.

21) athwart : Lying along the ship's width, at right angles to the vessels fore-and-aft line (centerline).

22) New Zealand's position directly athwart the roaring forties means that the strait funnels westerly winds and deflects them into northerlies.

23) More than two hundred vessels of different sizes were in sight, -– the last sunbeams purpling their sails, and casting a path of innumerable brilliants athwart the waves.

24) athwart a steep-sided hill, the formidable Gwalior Fort is lavishly embellished with cupolas and blue tiles; inside are superb 9th- and 11th-cent. temples.

25) Kingston commands the seventh largest natural harbour in the world and sits athwart major shipping lanes: import, export and transhipment are big business here.

26) The giant's head was level with the high top of the donjon, and his right arm, out-thrust, lay like a bar of stormy cloud athwart the new-risen sun.

27) The other, in like manner, went in through the nostrils of Brother Theophile, whose head lay weird athwart his shoulder on the broken neck.

28) Had this machine drifted, as was intended, athwart the bows of the Pawnee, and there exploded, its destructive effects would indeed have been great.

29) A classical palace was created lying athwart Park and Fourth Avenues, surrounded by a raised roadway offering access to the wheeled traffic which would soon pitch the railways into dramatic decline.

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