
athletic supporter in a sentence

1) It is recommended that all players wear athletic supporters.

2) Note: athletic supporter and cup may be worn.

athletic collocations
3) Players are also required to wear mouthguards and athletic supporter.

4) I hearby volunteer to be Apolo's athletic supporter.

athletic supporter example sentences

5) Are you going to be a Giants fan or an athletic supporter?

6) That doesn't mean the rest of us can't be athletic supporters.

7) athletic supporters One good way to let your Inner Gladiator out for a while is to play or follow sports.

8) I am not more excited by the men then the women, uhh, speaking as an athletic supporter, that is.

9) For now, though, Croydon Athletic's supporters may well want to put this to the back of their minds and concentrate on the battle to stay in the Ryman League Premier Division for next season.

10) A dance belt is a type of thong designed to be used in the same manner as an athletic supporter, but for male dancers (especially in ballet).

11) In "Sporting Goods" she gave three eye-popping gasps while Beavis and Butt-head wear eye patches as athletic supporters, which is a dramatic contrast to her monotonous behavior in the later series.

12) Gold Club members are former athletes, alumni, faculty, parents, and other athletic supporters who share the common interest of fostering the development and growth of Simpson College athletics.

13) Hedley is a lifelong Charlton athletic supporter and with his son Finlay currently has a season ticket in the West Stand at the Valley.

14) I want people to all become good little athletic supporters for out ST athletes who, clearly, need all the support they can get.

example sentences with athletic

15) athletic supporters, also known as jockstraps (with two straps securing the pouch at the bottom rear, passing around the bases of the buttocks up to the waistband at the sides)

16) "Jock" (attested from 1922 in the sense "athletic supporter") comes from "jockstrap", from "jock" = "penis", from the male name Jack.

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