
athletic director in a sentence

1) The athletic director is aware that cuts were made.

2) You should contact the athletic director with specifics.

athletic collocations
3) Iowa has had 12 athletic directors in its history.

4) Boone would soon leave as athletic director.

athletic director example sentences

5) For sports boosters, contact the athletic director.

6) Former athlete, former basketball coach, former athletic director.

7) The current athletic director is Kevin Clark.

8) The athletic director is in his back pocket.

9) Instead, he became an accomplished athletic director himself.

10) athletic director Dan Bowman welcomes the attention .

11) Butler athletic director Barry Collier had no further information .

12) The school's athletic director is Anita Barker.

13) The school's current athletic director is Robert Driscoll.

14) Evashevski clearly wanted the athletic director job.

example sentences with athletic

15) For criteria, contact the principal or the athletic director.

16) Some universities have limited authority over the athletic directors and coaches.

17) The department is headed by the athletic Director.

18) Collier left to become athletic director at Butler University.

19) It has since been renamed for long-time athletic director Richie Regan.

20) Chester Brewer, star athlete, coach and athletic director.

21) The current athletic director is Edgar Botto.

22) Notable burials include USC Trojans athletic director Jess Hill.

23) Not many athletic directors get the chance to hire four basketball coaches.

24) I remember only this athletic director who was from Texas.

25) Connecticut hired Lew Perkins as its athletic director in 1990.

26) He also served as athletic director from 1950 until 1976.

27) New athletic director Jim Baker began work on the same date.

How to use athletic in a sentence

28) athletic director Tom Stanton resigned on the same day.

29) Cameron served as Duke's athletic director from 1951-72.

30) He is currently the athletic director at Sacred Heart University.

31) So he approached the athletic director at the time.

32) The university's athletic director is Kirby Hocutt.

33) Associate athletic director John Heisler called the rankings a big honor.

34) The seamless transition was no surprise for athletic director Joe Farkas .

35) Joel Nielsen has served as athletic director since May 1, 2010.

36) The Associate athletic director – Internal Affairs.

37) Michigan athletic director Fielding H. Yost dismissed the criticism.

38) Working is for professional athletic directors .

39) Enter Dynasty mode to run the program as athletic Director.

40) The athletic director and the president, they make the call.

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