
athletic career in a sentence

1) She accumulated 240 trophies during her athletic career.

2) It was the greatest moment of her athletic career.

athletic collocations
3) athletic careers and whole lives can be threatened simply by suggestion.

4) It was with me during significant markers in my athletic career.

athletic career example sentences

5) Rodolfo started his athletic career as a boxer.

6) Brundage continued his athletic career as well.

7) But Aliya has a serious athletic career ahead of her.

8) Some of these athletes went on to distinguished athletic careers in college.

9) Many players have graduated from SHC and had successful college athletic careers.

10) She is considering continuing her athletic career, but taking a different approach.

11) His football playing nearly ended his athletic career, and indeed his life.

12) After his athletic career, Thorpe struggled to provide for his family.

13) During Achter's athletic career she earned a total of 12 varsity letters.

14) Harris' athletic career was cut short when he caught tuberculosis in his teens.

example sentences with athletic

15) Shuler's athletic career began at Swain County High School.

16) Despite his accomplishments, Harvin's high school athletic career was not without controversy.

17) It was a few years earlier when Couture's athletic career had reached its peak.

18) If treated aggressively, the horse can go on to an active athletic career.

19) After his athletic career, he became an appliance store employee and died in 1978.

20) Johnson arrived in 1920 after a successful athletic career at the University of Michigan.

21) Another consideration is that athletic careers tend to be relatively short, depending on the sport.

22) The pinnacle of my childhood athletic career was once scoring six points in a recreational basketball game.

23) Hamstring problems ended the athletic career of a talented athlete who was widely tipped for Olympic glory.

24) He pursued an athletic career following his graduation the next year - specifically as a professional wrestler.

25) In high school and at Clemson College Dickey played football and gave promise of an athletic career.

26) The battle with the former UFC light heavyweight champion is the biggest test of Davis ' athletic career.

27) Being aware of the trait and taking proper precautions can help trait carriers enjoy successful and healthy athletic careers.

How to use athletic in a sentence

28) But he was able to fully focus on his writing passion to the end of his athletic career.

29) But the Brooklyn native leaves no doubt as to what was the pinnacle of his distinguished athletic career.

30) If she has another bad concussion,her parents are in agreement that her athletic career will be over.

31) These athletes earned this moniker because they had outstanding athletic careers in their chosen field of sports in high school.

32) Martin Hogan moved in the direction of an athletic career, gaining early recognition as a "foot racer".

33) Sapp began his athletic career in high school playing football at Mitchell High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

34) A foot injury ended his athletic career and forced Sullivan to pay for college by working in a steel mill.

35) My athletic career began as a runner, and in college I started competing in triathlons and mass-start bike races.

36) Top prospects change their mind on a regular basis about which school they want to continue their athletic career at .

37) Thirteen different counties took part providing for many the strongest test they have so far encountered in their short athletic careers.

38) The best coaches I had in my athletic career were the ones who made me look forward to each training session.

39) Brown began his athletic career playing football in Manhasset, New York, on a concrete turf littered with broken glass.

40) Named "All Louisiana" by the Louisiana Sports Writers Association, Badawy started his athletic career as a downhill skier.

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