
atef crown in a sentence

1) Osiris is generally shown as a green man wearing the atef crown on his head.

2) He was also sometimes shown wearing the crown of Lower Egypt or the atef crown.

3) Vignette: Osiris, wearing the atef crown and holding the flail and crook.

4) Osiris is seated on a throne, wearing the atef crown and holding a sceptre and a flail.

atef crown example sentences

5) The earliest depiction of the atef crown dates to the reign of Sahure ( 5th Dynasty ).

6) It seems that the atef crown was originally the crown of Ra when the Egyptians believed that he ruled the earth.

7) He is usually portrayed mummiform, his hands free of wrappings and holding the crook and flail and wearing the atef crown.

8) Sometimes he was also seen in art to be wearing the atef crown or the United crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt.

9) And when Ra returned in the evening to see Osiris ... he found him sitting in his house with his head angry and swollen from the heat of the atef crown.

10) The Egyptians believed that Geb was one of the first pharaohs of Egypt, and so he was sometimes shown wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, combined with Osiris' atef crown.

11) He is normally shown mummiform, with his flesh colored either white, green, or black, and he usually wears the atef crown, which is the white crown with the addition of a pair of feathers.

12) Furthermore, Aser[Osiris] was depicted wearing the ceremonial atef crown and holding a crook and flail.

13) atef crown (hieroglyph)

14) The atef Crown","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1132196638},

example sentences with 0

15) Like Astarte, she is often seen with weapons such as axes or clubs (armed goddesses were common in the ancient Near East) and/or wearing the atef crown.

16) But, on the very first day that he wore it, Osiris had much suffering in his head from the heat of the atef crown which [he wore] that men and gods should respect him.

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