
at home or abroad in a sentence

1) He doesn't give a damn about popular ones at home or abroad .

2) Children's education, either at home or abroad , is paid for.

3) Wycliffe believes good preparation is essential for mission service, whether at home or abroad .

at home or abroad example sentences

4) That 's not the image he wants to project, at home or abroad .

5) Work at home or abroad .

6) It is an offer that no other coal supplier at home or abroad can make.

7) People on medication should always check with their pharmacist before sun-bathing either at home or abroad .

8) Many Religious belong to international congregations and can be asked to work at home or abroad .

9) The newspaper's editors were forbidden to print anything negative about the Sandinistas either at home or abroad .

10) Samples are automatically preserved and archived, providing seamless integration into high-level bio-surveillance operations at home or abroad .

11) The Bavarian Finance Ministry said that permits for reprints would not be issued, at home or abroad .

12) Being perceived as down on America, at home or abroad , is a path to a lost election.

13) The United States Post Office stated that postal reply coupons were not being bought in quantity at home or abroad .

14) He was passed fit for service at home or abroad at Exeter on November 21st by a civilian surgeon.

15) He first adjourned Parliament and then forbade the Commons from discussing "matters of state at home or abroad ".

use at home or abroad in a sentence

16) Our aim is to encourage support for athletics at all levels, including support of national teams at home or abroad .

17) In practice it means that course members may end up teaching in any of these institutions either at home or abroad .

18) Ordination represents approval for all pastoral and ministerial functions in the AMEC at home or abroad with no need for renewal.

19) There is far too much at stake for families and future generations, whether they are currently working at home or abroad .

20) But the development of seabed resources at depths of more than 5,000 meters has no precedent , either at home or abroad .

21) In order for them to comply with this mandate, they conduct operations, covert or overt, at home or abroad .

22) Vocational modules can be taken at home or abroad by both Scottish students and their European Community partners in an exchange project.

23) A book on the First World War made no mention of women's contribution to the war effort at home or abroad .

24) The office was more like an army headquarters than a theatrical business as every day Girls would be transported somewhere at home or abroad .

25) For instance, an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment.

26) The NIMBY (not in my back yard) attitude, whether at home or abroad , does not make for good environmental policy.

27) It is the 'Little Russians' who do not represent Ukrainian society at large ( at home or abroad ) - as you are about to discover very painfully, yet again.

28) Cloud courses give all of your employees the tools they need to access information and get their duties done while at home or abroad .

How to use at home or abroad in a sentence

29) Surely you jest.The USA has never shown any interest in democracy at home or abroad , and if anything is learning how to be more incompetent with every invasion.

30) Most of his time was spent on propaganda, whether at home or abroad , and here his training as a journalist was invaluable.

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