
asynchronous I in a sentence

1) The file or device Is being opened or created for asynchronous I /O.

2) asynchronous I /O to the filesystem was made real.

asynchronous collocations
3) Many operating system functions exIst to implement asynchronous I /O at many levels.

4) The signal handler Is usually not able to Issue further asynchronous I /O by itself.

asynchronous I example sentences

5) The signals lIsted in thIs section are used in conjunction with asynchronous I /O facilities.

6) When exposing asynchronous I /O to applications there are a few broad classes of implementation.

7) Given Dan's desire to support asynchronous I /O, there were several conflicting opinions.

8) asynchronous I /O Is used to improve throughput, latency, and/or responsiveness.

9) All forms of asynchronous I /O open applications up to potential resource conflicts and associated failure.

10) Synchronous and asynchronous I /O Handles

11) By the way, C supports asynchronous I /O using completion ports (on Windows).

12) C 5.0 introduced the async keyword for supporting asynchronous I /O in a "direct style".

13) You create a completion port, bind file or socket handles to it, and start asynchronous I /O operations.

14) Further more, WinCE does not support asynchronous I /O, so I have to use synchronous I/O.

example sentences with asynchronous

15) The vast majority of general-purpose computing hardware relies entirely upon two methods of implementing asynchronous I /O: polling and interrupts.

16) asynchronous I /O

17) There are several complexities and potential pitfalls when using asynchronous I /O; for more information, see Synchronous and asynchronous I/O .

18) There are several complexities and potential pitfalls when using asynchronous I/O; for more information, see Synchronous and asynchronous I /O .

19) Racket's system interface includes asynchronous non-blocking I /O, green threads, synchronization channels, semaphores, sub-processes, and TCP sockets.

20) While writing pages back to dIsc, asynchronous I /O Is used whereby the I/O operation Is done in a background thread so that other operations do not have to wait for the I/O operation to complete.

21) A library call to read a file would typically block until the control reply was received from the file server, though asynchronous I /O would of course not block and could check or block later.

22) In an environment such as a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), asynchronous I /O can be synthesized "even though" the environment the JVM Is running in may not offer it at all.

23) Using only these two tools (polling, and interrupts), all the other forms of asynchronous I /O dIscussed above may be (and in fact, are) synthesized.

24) HybrId approaches are also possible, wherein an interrupt can trigger the beginning of some burst of asynchronous I /O, and polling Is used within the burst itself.

25) The Erlang virtual machine uses asynchronous I /O using a small pool of only a few threads or sometimes just one process, to handle I/O from up to millions of Erlang processes.

26) Thus, there was no socket mechanIsm, but a "libsocket(3)" exIsted that used asynchronous I /O to talk to the TCP/IP handler.

27) ") The asynchronous I /O support of DNIX allowed for easy event-driven programming in the workstations, which performed well even though they had relatively limited resources.

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