
asymptomatic carrier in a sentence

1) Fowl act as natural asymptomatic carriers of influenza A viruses.

2) Initial assessment and management as per asymptomatic carrier plus additional tissue specific investigations.

asymptomatic collocations
3) However, asymptomatic carriers of the HSV-2 virus are still contagious.

4) She was an asymptomatic typhoid carrier and was considered a public health hazard.

asymptomatic carrier example sentences

5) Reptiles are asymptomatic carrier of bacteria of the genus "Salmonella".

6) Multiplications have been found in asymptomatic carriers, which indicate that penetrance is incomplete or age-dependent.

7) In other persons sickling occurs only at very low partial pressures; these are asymptomatic sickle-cell trait carriers .

8) Also, this is the only test that is helpful in determining if animal is an asymptomatic carrier .

9) In nosocomial transmission, there are 2 sources: a person with a lesion or an asymptomatic carrier .

10) The toothbrush method can be used for pets with suspected lesions, as well as those that might be asymptomatic carriers .

11) Alice is taken to a quarantine room where she is tested and found to be an asymptomatic carrier of the Rage virus.

12) Generally, in non-outbreak situations, asymptomatic carriers among personnel need not be identified, treated, or removed from patient-care activities.

13) Symptoms in Animals • Diarrhea, especially in young animals, the nature and duration of which can vary widely • Adult animals are often asymptomatic carriers .

14) The asymptomatic carrier of HBsAg and the person with an acute case do not appear to endanger susceptible persons except through direct inoculation of his or her blood or contaminated secretions.

example sentences with asymptomatic

15) Meningitis occurs sporadically throughout the year, and since the organism has no known reservoir outside of man, asymptomatic carriers are usually the source of transmission.

16) Three to four days following infection, the virus is shed in the feces for up to three weeks, and the dog may remain an asymptomatic carrier and shed the virus periodically.

17) Although 72% of the population are Duffy antigen negative, 8.8% of the Duffy antigen negative individuals were asymptomatic carriers of "P. vivax".

18) The paper attributed confusion over pathogenicity to the existence of asymptomatic carriers, a phenomenon the study noted is common to all gastrointestinal protozoa.

19) These asymptomatic herpes carriers shed infectious virus 10 % of the 30 or more days they were in the study, report University of Washington researcher Anna Wald, MD, MPH, and colleagues.

20) In the latter case, the disease may only be defined as a "disease" (which by definition means an illness) in hosts who secondarily become ill after contact with an asymptomatic carrier .

21) Diagnosis of EP can be based on clinical signs, but because most horses are asymptomatic carriers and because of the similarity to other equine diseases, diagnosis relies on laboratory testing.

22) The study's goal is to develop a genetic test to allow identification of the affected dogs and asymptomatic carriers, so that the disease may be totally eradicated from all tested breeding lines.

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