
asylum application in a sentence

1) The unfounded asylum applications should be firmly refused.

2) The numbers of asylum applications began to rise.

asylum collocations
3) The processing of asylum applications was to be accelerated.

4) They setup his departure from the country to asylum applications .

asylum application example sentences

5) asylum applications of Kosovo Roma were rejected on no grounds.

6) The administrative processes governing asylum applications were overwhelmed and a backlog started to accumulate.

7) In May 1991 three thousand eight hundred and four new asylum applications were received.

8) The kindest thing to do would be to deal with asylum application quickly .

9) Sweden currently accepts more than half of all asylum applications from Iraqis in Europe.

10) Of the 40,000 asylum applications made last year, nine out of 10 were unfounded.

11) In all there were 23,500 asylum applications with Syria accounting for the largest rise.

12) In these circumstances, it would be impractical and unnecessary to examine each individual asylum application .

13) asylum applications within the EC had risen from 169,000 in 1988 to 327,000 in 1990.

14) We should be supporting the right to seek independent legal advice in support of an asylum application .

example sentences with asylum

15) Cyprus and Malta rank first among the industrialized countries in the per capita number of asylum applications .

16) The percentage of successful asylum applications varies from country to country, even for the same nationalities.

17) Information on education and employment has to be collected as soon as the asylum application is filed.

18) In the case where an asylum application is manifestly unfounded, the asylum applicant may be refused entry.

19) In 2007, 6,789 persons submitted asylum applications and in 2008, 3,922 persons applied for asylum.

20) The last publicly reported rate of approval for asylum applications in the U.S. before 2001 was 23.3%.

21) The practical intention was to seek to drive asylum applications down by a "carrot and stick" approach.

22) On 16 May Hirsi Ali resigned from Parliament after admitting that she had lied on her asylum application .

23) Last year, Britain had 53% more asylum applications than in 1998 and now receives more than Germany.

24) Mr Snowden is currently in Russia, where he was granted a year-long visa after making an asylum application .

25) In a 1997 U.S. case, the Ninth Circuit addressed conversion therapy in the context of an asylum application .

26) UNHCR says that the authorities have rejected about 30 Eritrean asylum applications and reached no decision on the rest .

27) The objective of this system is to prevent asylum seekers from filing multiple asylum applications in different Member States simultaneously.

28) If an asylum application is inadmissible, the national authorities do not have to consider its merits at all.

29) More immediate was the "New asylum Model", (NAM), for dealing with asylum applications .

30) Further is there the 1990 Dublin European Convention, which determines which member state is responsible for examining asylum applications .

31) The law came into life in 2000 and in January 2002 the Cyprus Government started receiving and processing asylum applications .

32) Behind the decline in asylum applications to France has been an effort by the French government to clear the backlog.

33) The number of new asylum applications, for example, was reduced from 32,000 in 2003 to 13,300 in 2006.

34) asylum applications reached 147,000 in 1993, up from only 56,000 in 1991; only 4,465 petitions for asylum were approved in fiscal 1993 (National asylum Study Project 1993).

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