
aswarm in a sentence

1) We now know that the universe may be aswarm with planets.

2) The Hyon-ni-Inje stretch of road and connecting roads running north and west beyond Inje remained aswarm with enemy troops and vehicles.

3) Suddenly his childhood bedroom is aswarm with aliens, all bent on discovering the human who best personifies their mission - in this case, the deeply serious pursuit of fun.

4) When he proposed "Dragnet" to NBC officials, they were not especially impressed; radio was aswarm with private investigators and crime dramas, such as Webb's earlier "Pat Novak for Hire".

aswarm example sentences

5) The showpiece hotels and cafes at the head of the pass were noisily aswarm with the wrong kind of bikes; I remounted and trundled through the hinterland of 1970s ski-lodge apartment blocks.

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