
astute observer in a sentence

1) However both used deductions and were astute observers .

2) Any astute observer of politics can realize why.

astute collocations
3) An astute observer could see the recession coming.

4) But an astute observer would come to understand otherwise.

astute observer example sentences

5) Skilled facilitators and instructors are astute observers .

6) An astute observer can tell plenty from the wear patterns visible in them.

7) She is a master storyteller and an astute observer of the human condition.

8) An astute observer and exploratory experimenter, Page invented many other electromagnetic devices.

9) An astute observer of human character, he skilfully combined humour and pathos in his works.

10) Eliot is a veteran public servant and an astute observer of the issues of the day.

11) And certainly an astute observer knew when about 29- days were completed since the previous Rosh Chodesh.

12) Bill Dodd, an astute observer of Louisiana politics, called Cathy Long "the perfect political wife.

13) Some astute observer of the political process once noted that the U.S. has the best politicians money can buy.

14) Some of you astute observers may be wondering what those clecos are doing in the web of the ribs.

example sentences with astute

15) Julian Assange of WikiLeaks has been discredited by astute observers as a pawn of the globalists he seemingly exposes.

16) The successful "change agent" or facilitator must be an astute observer of human behavior and trained in psychology.

17) An astute observer can still find mortices in many of the more massive stones in the ruins of Hadrian's wall.

18) Some astute observers noted that he would allow only what was in the written confession and refuse to go any further.

19) Our top choice: Dave Barry Does Japan . Dave Barry might be a humorist, but he's also an astute observer of the typical reactions most of us first have upon arrival in Japan.

20) In their parlance, this book is full of "knowledge" rather than just "information" or "data." They are also astute observers, and notice things that many might miss.

21) Bitcoin insiders have been bracing themselves for weeks against something like this happening, but the magnitude of the virtual heist has shocked even the most astute Bitcoin observer .

22) He was the greatest preacher in the English language in the 20th century according to the most astute observers (from conservative Dr. Wilbur Smith to neo-orthodox Emil Brunner).

23) No less an astute ring observer than Nat Fleischer, founder of Ring magazine, thought Johnson to be the greatest of all time.

24) astute observers of history are aware that for every notable event there will usually be at least one, often several, wild conspiracy theories which spring up around it.

25) And, cautions John Delury, an assistant professor of political science at Seoul Yonsei University, even the most astute observers of North Korea have been wrong before.

26) An astute historical observer, Roosevelt was a hanging judge who did not hesitate to render harsh verdicts about leaders and events from America's past.

27) And let's not forget that behind the glamorous exterior of 1980s culture was a darkness and a sarcasm that was lost on all but the most astute observers of the time.

28) As some astute observers have reminded me, such behavior could result in a sort of "Finlandization" of public discourse in the US.

29) From her account it is also apparent that she was an astute observer, well-versed with the intricacies of warfare, and the intrigues of royal deal making.

30) Parts date from the 11th century and the astute observer will find reused Roman bricks in its fabric, and ancient graffiti from pilgrims who have visited over the years.

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