
astute man in a sentence

1) He's an astute man, there's no doubting that.

2) Wardle's solicitor, and Pickwick's, an amiable, astute little man .

astute collocations
3) A very astute man .

4) Like her father, who was an astute man, Kanea was blessed with outstanding qualities of mind.

astute man example sentences

5) May was shortly joined by Superintendent Hayes and the local police doctor, an astute man named Edward Stacey Norris.

6) He is, first and foremost, an astute man of sound judgment, great-hearted, quick in action, and courageous.

7) In 'Rikoran' the Pu Yi of actor Masayoshi Yamaguchi is a comically astute man who realises that he is powerless as Japan's dupe in Manchuria.

8) M. de Giers has been called an astute man, but he does not look it, nor do I know anything in his career that would bear out the charge made against him.

9) The new director of the NIH, James Shannon, a politically astute man who also had an ability to pick talented scientists, helped solidify what became "the golden years of science at NIH".

10) Henceforward an astute man by adherence to legal rules which had nothing to do with morality could grow immeasurably rich by virtue of shuffling off his most elementary obligations to his fellows.

11) I spent the afternoon outside by the pool, reading Soul on Ice ; Eldridge Cleaver is a remarkably astute man, although I differ with him on some points.

12) Why were these astute men and others, who were abundantly endowed in all departments of life, attracted to what appeared to some as a lowly member of a contemned group?

13) 'Then he's an astute man indeed,' he said solemnly.

14) But tell me, Master Physician, for I see you are an astute man, what happened to the two squires, the valets of the chamber, who accompanied the King?'

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