
astronomical tide in a sentence

1) The latter includes both astronomical tides as well as storm surges.

2) Remember that astronomical tides do "not" include weather effects.

astronomical collocations
3) Low astronomical tides amplified the effects of severe turbulence in the water.

4) It's going to be coming in at an astronomical high tide as well.

astronomical tide example sentences

5) Also, the astronomical high tide coincided with Nanmadol's storm surge bringing unusually high tides which resulted in the increase of the likelihood of coastal flooding.

6) Because the timeframe of both oscillations is comparable to naturally occurring (yet independent) astronomical tides, the two effects overlap and reinforce each other.

7) The phenomenon occurs mainly between autumn and spring, when the astronomical tides are reinforced by the prevailing seasonal winds which hamper the usual reflux.

8) Point "R" is where the thalweg in 1975 was adjacent to the furthest point of exposed mud flats at "astronomical lowest low tide .

9) Local topography, bay and river orientation, depth of the sea bottom, astronomical tides, as well as other physical features are taken into account, in a predefined grid referred to as a SLOSH basin.

10) The pressure effect and the wind set-up on an open coast will be driven into bays in the same way as the astronomical tide .

11) Special care is needed when assessing the size of a "weather surge" by subtracting the astronomical tide from the observed tide.

12) The darker blue shows present-day inundation of the Efate lagoon during a high astronomical tide, and the lighter blue shows predicted inundation in 2090 due to sea level rise.

13) It includes both the storm surge, which is the abnormal rise in water generated by the storm above sea level, and the predicted astronomical tide .

14) The full moon is on Monday, which means astronomical high tide will be about 5% higher than the average high tide for the month.

example sentences with astronomical

15) This is often caused by prolonged strong onshore flow of wind and/or high astronomical tides .

16) "Drying heights" may also be shown on the chart, which are the heights of the exposed seabed at the lowest astronomical tide .

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