
astronomical salary in a sentence

1) To curtail these stars' astronomical salaries, the large studios attempted to monopolize distributors and exhibitors.

2) SPIEGEL : Why does the VW Group even have rules that make such astronomical salaries possible?

astronomical collocations
3) Turn off the boob tube and go participate in your own sports or recreation, and you will feel much better and live longer, and stop supporting prima donna athletes and their astronomical salaries!

4) Funny thing is that in Ireland u0026 Germany it can be bought for around a tenner!! Still I guess the astronomical salary package of a charity COE?

astronomical salary example sentences

5) Fans, disheartened by the greed that had taken over the game, were sick of hearing about lawyers, agents, and astronomical salaries.

6) 11 May: The Mail defends the astronomical salaries of top business executives (which they award to themselves) from attack by the Archbishop of Canterbury.

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