
astronomical rate in a sentence

1) They are being slaughtered by the poachers at an astronomical rate .

2) HIV (AIDS virus) infections continue to spiral at an astronomical rate.

astronomical collocations
3) Ontario grew at an astronomical rate, increasing 10 times in the next half a century.

4) Divorce rates remain high and relationships come and go at an astronomical rate compared to past decades.

astronomical rate example sentences

5) Conversely, during the same period, the Golden State also attracted commercial and industrial expansion of astronomical rates.

6) ITC's entry into retail shook up the market: It rented out properties at astronomical rates in prime locations.

7) I have a wonderful community of livebearers and pygmy Corys, but I am losing fish at an astronomical rate.

8) They accept you, charge you astronomical rates (tuition, books, dorming and parking fees, etc.) give you a diploma, and move on to the next generation.

9) *"Edge-of-your-seat paranormal activity keeps this book moving at an astronomical rate....Garcia brings a fresh new take on the supernatural and the world of secret societies."– VOYA, starred review

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