
astronomical observatory in a sentence

1) He also had an astronomical observatory constructed.

2) Thus this city is the best natural astronomical observatory .

astronomical collocations
3) No astronomical observatory recorded the event.

4) Perkins observatory is an astronomical observatory in Delaware, Ohio.

astronomical observatory example sentences

5) He has an older sister who runs an astronomical observatory in Japan.

6) They used their constructions as astronomical observatories and places of ritual celebration.

7) There are also two cylindrical structures which may have been astronomical observatories .

8) This is one of the first strikes to affect an astronomical observatory .

9) Vidyashala's astronomical observatory is accessible to students of other Mysore schools.

10) The Upper Karoo is indeed an ideal site for an astronomical observatory .

11) Very close to the museum, Villanueva built the astronomical observatory .

12) Visit a planetarium or astronomical observatory .

13) When the photon arrived at an astronomical observatory at earth, what would happen?

14) Furthermore, linked to it were also astronomical observatories and other major experimental endeavors.

example sentences with astronomical

15) Most major optical astronomical observatories are surrounded by zones of strictly enforced restrictions on light emissions.

16) For example a South-African astronomical observatory and a Dutch university continued to have contact.

17) Sometimes operates small museum and astronomical observatory and meets infrequently for discussions, debates and lectures.

18) Although no planetary probes were launched in 2009, four astronomical observatories were placed into orbit.

19) GREENWICH observatory The Royal Greenwich observatory is athe national astronomical observatory of England.

20) U of L operates the Moore observatory in Oldham County, an astronomical observatory .

21) See also :Category:astronomical instruments and :Category:astronomical observatories .

22) The remains of Governor Brisbane's private astronomical observatory, constructed in 1822, are visible.

23) Proposed functions for the site include usage as an astronomical observatory or as a religious site.

24) After graduating in 1956 he joined the staff of Pulkov astronomical observatory, situated near Leningrad.

25) From 1902 to 1903 during his studies he was an assistant at the Urania astronomical observatory .

26) Triangulations on distant hills were attempted, weather records kept, and there was an astronomical observatory .

27) In 1704, the University's first astronomical observatory was built on top of the gatehouse.

How to use astronomical in a sentence

28) In Staszic Park, one can find an astronomical observatory, which was opened in 1909.

29) She became his assistant at the astronomical observatory operated in Berlin by the Academy of Science.

30) Its main tower was transformed between 1767 and 1777 into an astronomical observatory known as "Specola".

31) Two large lecture halls are on the ground floor, and an astronomical observatory is on the roof.

32) Frink is a college professor at Springfield Heights Institute of Technology and runs his own astronomical observatory .

33) Structure 7 supports three rows of monuments aligned north–south that may have served as an astronomical observatory .

34) The Yifu Building of the school sports four stories of laboratories and an astronomical observatory on its roof.

35) Johannes Hevelius (1611-1687) created the first world's great astronomical observatory equipped with telescopes.

36) AURA is a consortium of universities, and educational and other non-profit institutions that operates world-class astronomical observatories .

37) It is also believed that the ruins at Great Zimbabwe and Timbuktu may have housed an astronomical observatory .

38) ATC specialises in developing equipment and software for astronomical observatories, including some of the world's biggest telescopes.

39) The clear air is one of the many factors that make this such a wonderful location for astronomical observatories .

40) Zach was now appointed as director of a new astronomical observatory to be built at Seeberg, Gotha.

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