
astronomical horizon in a sentence

1) The normal zone just above the astronomical horizon is becoming narrower.

2) The direction to the zenith is perpendicular to the astronomical horizon .

astronomical collocations
3) The Sun's center is now 40' below the astronomical horizon .

4) The net result is just slightly steeper sides on the towered section around the astronomical horizon .

astronomical horizon example sentences

5) Here's the Sun when its center is geometrically 15' below the astronomical horizon .

6) There's also a corner near the astronomical horizon ; it, too, is smoother here.

7) Here on the right is the Sun when its center is geometrically 30' below the astronomical horizon .

8) In the image at the right, the Sun's center is 50' below the astronomical horizon .

9) As Wegener showed, an observer in the duct sees a " blank strip " at the astronomical horizon .

10) Observers below the duct see a continuous, but highly distorted, image of the sky near the astronomical horizon .

11) When the Sun's center is 56' below the astronomical horizon, the part below the duct appears nearly rectangular.

12) The smoothing has also subtly modified the effects of Wegener's periodicity effect on the ducted rays near the astronomical horizon .

13) So an observer within the duct sees only trapped rays in a zone of sky that is symmetric about the astronomical horizon .

14) A Fata Morgana can display an object that is located below the astronomical horizon as an apparent object hovering in the sky.

example sentences with astronomical

15) The zenith distance of an object is the complement of its altitude . The zenith distance of the astronomical horizon is 90 degrees.

16) ALTITUDE: Angular distance above (positive) or below (negative) the horizontal (i.e., the astronomical horizon .) Altitude is usually measured in degrees and minutes of arc .

17) Notice that, because the ray curvature is less than the Earth's curvature, the ray at the astronomical horizon (0') meets the target considerably higher than the observer's eye.

18) I think Biot deserves credit for (in effect) discovering the magnification theorem, though he did not apply it to the magnification of celestial objects at the astronomical horizon himself.

19) If we suppose the object is off to the right, beyond B, observer 1 sees it below the astronomical horizon, while observer 2 sees it an equal angle above the horizon.

20) The magnification at the astronomical horizon depends only on the density gradient just below eye level; for practical purposes, that density gradient depends only on the temperature gradient.

21) With the Sun 15' below the astronomical horizon, its image is entirely above the blank strip, which is now much narrower.

22) So the sky seems to be split apart at the astronomical horizon : everything that was close to the duct in the sky (as seen from above the duct) gets shoved aside.

23) These pictures were taken about 4 minutes before sunset (cf. p. 99 for the sunset times), so the upper limb here is probably close to the astronomical horizon, or even a few minutes of arc above it.

24) This puts the cloud-top flash about 1°24' above the astronomical horizon – once again, just where the green rim is most visible.

25) The caption on p. 50 explicitly puts this blue rim at 1°25' above the astronomical horizon : right in the middle of the zone where the simulations show the colored upper limb best.

26) The transfer curve shows how the top of the miraged strip approaches the astronomical horizon as the observer approaches the top of the inversion.

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