
astronaut training in a sentence

1) Some simulators on exhibit were used for astronaut training.

2) He was then accepted into the NASA space astronaut training program.

astronaut collocations
3) The two eventually befriend three other students in the astronaut training program.

4) Level 9 tour NBL astronaut training.

astronaut training example sentences

5) During astronaut training, Koenig accompanied a mission to the Venus space station.

6) In 1978 he was selected as a candidate for Nasa's astronaut training programme.

7) astronauts training in the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator.

8) Currently a six-month mission to the ISS requires up to five years of astronaut training.

9) In the astronaut training programme, he was close friends with fellow cadets Sam and Tessa.

10) Kim has training in Sensory Processing, the astronaut training Program and Handwriting Without Tears.

11) Some of our astronauts are learning Chinese and there are Chinese astronauts training at our centre in Germany .

12) NASA also had to pay hefty fees for training manuals and equipment used by astronauts training at Star City.

13) NASA EXPERIENCE: Dr. Patrick reported to NASA's Johnson Space Center for astronaut training in 1998.

14) It may be possible that the ISS will be used as a long-duration astronaut training facility in the future.

example sentences with astronaut

15) The T-38 Talon (T-38N) is the primary jet aircraft used for astronaut training at Ellington.

16) The U.S. space agency has built a s. astronaut training How to Brush Your Teeth in Space NASA.

17) Throughout her 120 days of astronaut training, McAuliffe shared the experience with the American public through mainstream media outlets.

18) ISRO will set up an astronaut training centre in Bengaluru to prepare personnel for flights on board the crewed vehicle.

19) Between 1962 and 1975, the test pilot school expanded its role to include astronaut training for armed forces test pilots.

20) Also, in this version, Rook dies much earlier on, in the astronaut training facility that Bond infiltrates.

21) Japan's spaceflight program is finally reactivated ten years later with the admission of students into the academy's astronaut training program.

22) astronaut training Center astronaut training Center offers a portable version of the fixed based operation in North Richland Hills, Texas.

23) astronaut training Center astronaut training Center offers a portable version of the fixed based operation in North Richland Hills, Texas.

24) An examination of the probe astronauts' training flights reveals times where some influence blanked out the flight recorder over that location.

25) It tested its first astronaut capsule for atmospheric re-entry in 2007, and is planning to build a residential astronaut training facility.

26) astronaut training in Europe is carried out by the European astronaut Centre (EAC), headquartered in Cologne, Germany.

27) It will allow the network to cover everything from astronaut training in Moscow's Star City to life on the Soviet space station Mir.

28) After two years of initial astronaut training, Johnson was assigned to the Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade council, redesigning cockpit displays for future space shuttle missions.

29) Space Center Houston is the Official Visitors Center of NASA's Johnson Space Center, which is the home of astronaut training and Mission Control.

30) In preparation for the role, Kurylenko watched astronaut training videos as well as classic science fiction and romance films (such as "Solaris", "Notorious", and "Casablanca").

31) training on how to successfully carry out these experiments is an important part of astronaut training, as it maximizes the scientific return of the mission.

32) They have also been used for specialist tasks such as teaching water-ditching survival techniques for aircraft and submarine crews and astronaut training.

33) Of the students in the inaugural class of the astronaut training program, one is selected to join the crew of Japan's second manned mission in 2027.

34) His parents are under the impression that, far from helping to save the world, he has been shortlisted for a space mission and is at a specialized astronaut training school.

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