
astronaut select in a sentence

1) The first NASA astronauts were selected for training in 1959.

2) Most NASA astronauts are selected from members of the military.

astronaut collocations
3) NASA EXPERIENCE: Cassidy as an astronaut was selected by NASA in May 2004.

4) Aldrin was selected as part of the third group of NASA astronauts selected in October 1963.

astronaut select example sentences

5) Collins still rates the second group of nine as the best group of astronauts ever selected by NASA.

6) NASA EXPERIENCE: Captain Cernan was one of fourteen astronauts selected by NASA in October 1963.

7) NASA EXPERIENCE: Grissom was one of the seven Mercury astronauts selected by NASA in April 1959.

8) NASA EXPERIENCE: Mr. Haise was one of the 19 astronauts selected by NASA in April 1966.

9) When the space program began a number of astronauts were selected from the Air Force's test pilot cadre.

10) The first seven astronauts were selected among candidates from the Navy, Air Force and Marine test pilot programs.

11) Schweickart joined NASA as one of 14 astronauts named in October 1963, the third group of astronauts selected .

12) One of 19 astronauts selected by NASA in April 1966, Duke had never flown in space before Apollo 16.

13) Slayton was one of the original Mercury Seven astronauts selected in 1959, but an irregular heartbeat grounded him until 1972.

14) It was named Mercury 13 by the media Despite this effort, NASA did not select female astronauts until 1978 for the Space Shuttle.

example sentences with astronaut

15) Once selected, NASA astronauts go through twenty months of training in a variety of areas, including training for extra-vehicular activity in a facility such as NASA's Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory.

16) The legendary astronaut was selected to be part of the Mercury Seven, the group that would build... Read more "

17) "I was in the first class of astronauts selected after the Challenger accident back in 1986, ... actually worked the launch of the first flight after the Challenger accident.

18) rene : this will be a topic of great interest for the reality show, of which the protagonist will be the selected astronauts who are older than 18 years.

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