
astrological text in a sentence

1) Most basic to many astrological texts is the meaning "I know".

2) In older astrological texts, there are fewer meanings given to the signs.

astrological collocations
3) Much of astrological text was written in the same way, below the surface with hidden meanings.

4) Surprisingly none of the ancient Hindu astrological texts ever mention about this KSY (Kaala-Sarpa Yoga).

astrological text example sentences

5) The further we move toward modernity, the less bound to a specific religious perspective the astrological texts become, and the more clearly the personality of the individual astrologer emerges.

6) The phase difference is only encountered in astronomical and astrological texts, and in these an evening event is clearly distinguished as happening on days N to N+1, which is not the case here.

7) Saturn, all readers of astrological texts know well, refers to the bones and, thus, to that which maintains the structural integrity of the organism, the skeleton.

8) The later proliferation of religious, proto-scientific and astrological text would suggest that as time progressed, writing was expanded beyond these professional scribal classes.

9) astrological texts by Karl Brandler-Pracht, Otto Pöllner, Ernst Tiede, and Albert Knief appeared at the Theosophical Publishing House at Leipzig.

10) Such use seems to make the case that by the mid-3rd century CE, the decimal place value system was familiar, at least to readers of astronomical and astrological texts in India.

11) In a classic astrological text, the Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, Sage Parashara frequently recommends the recitation of the Vishnu Sahasranama as the best remedial measure for planetary afflictions.

12) By the time of al-Ma'mum, translators had moved on from looking only at Persian astrological texts and Greek works were already in their third translation.

13) The library also included hymns and prayers, medical, mathematical, ritual, divinatory and astrological texts, alongside all sorts of administrative documents, letters and contracts.

14) In 1644, during the English Civil War, he published the first of many popular astrological texts, and in 1647 he published "Christian Astrology", a huge compendium of astrological technique.

example sentences with astrological

15) The same holds true for other astronomical and astrological texts that mention the zodiac signs and take the equinoxes and solstices at the beginning of the cardinal signs.

16) Once introduced, "lay astrology" replaced almost all the earlier methods./66/ Works listing the hours favorable for various activities are among the most common astrological texts to come down to us.

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