
astrodynamics in a sentence

1) Different astrodynamics theories are used to maintain these catalogs.

2) The behaviour of spacecraft is studied in the subfield of astrodynamics.

3) Astrodynamics, Space Missions, and Chaos.

4) For astrodynamics reasons, cheap spacecraft travel to other planets is only practical within certain time windows.

astrodynamics example sentences

5) astrodynamics is the study of spacecraft trajectories, particularly as they relate to gravitational and propulsion effects.

6) The following rules of thumb are useful for situations approximated by classical mechanics under the standard assumptions of astrodynamics.

7) astrodynamics is the study of orbital techniques such as forecast of orbital components when given a choose few variables .

8) astrodynamics allows for a spacecraft to arrive at its destination at the correct time without excessive propellant use.

9) To the degree that the standard assumptions of astrodynamics do not hold, actual trajectories will vary from those calculated.

10) In astrodynamics, this energy expenditure is defined by the net change in the spacecraft's velocity, or delta-v.

11) Herrick began corresponding with Goddard in 1931 and asked if he should work in this new field, which he named astrodynamics.

12) From Sea-Level Change by Dr. R. Steven Nerem, Colorado Center for astrodynamics Research, University of Colorado at Boulder.

13) For a good discussion of how perturbing forces change w over time, see Roger Bate et al., Fundamentals of astrodynamics (New York: Dover Publishing, Inc., 1971), pp. 396–407.

14) For most applications, Keplerian motion approximates the motions of planets and satellites to relatively high degrees of accuracy and is used extensively in astronomy and astrodynamics.

example sentences with astrodynamics

15) The fundamental laws of astrodynamics are Newton's law of universal gravitation and Newton's laws of motion, while the fundamental mathematical tool is his differential calculus.

16) Once in space, the motion of a spacecraft–both when unpropelled and when under propulsion–is covered by the area of study called astrodynamics.

17) Orbital mechanics or astrodynamics is the application of ballistics and celestial mechanics to the practical problems concerning the motion of rockets and other spacecraft.

18) Now in its 20 th year, the event is voluntary, but to its students and instructors, Charm School may be as beneficial to their future as an A in astrodynamics.

19) Colorado Center for astrodynamics Research (CCAR)

20) astrodynamics the study of spaceflight trajectories

21) Colorado Center for astrodynamics Research, "Mean Sea Level" Accessed December 19, 2005

22) Hughes, P.C., "Dynamics of a Flexible Manipulator Arm for the Space Shuttle", AAS/AIAA astrodynamics Conference, September 1977, Jackson Lake Lodge, Wyoming.

23) Java astrodynamics Toolkit

24) Laws of astrodynamics","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1171858177},

25) Astrodynamics","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1174570429},

26) Astrodynamics","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1178031497}

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