
astringent taste in a sentence

1) Cashew apples have a sweet but astringent taste.

2) Tannins add a gritty texture and chalky, astringent taste.

astringent collocations
3) It is small, roughly triangular and edible, with a bitter, astringent taste.

4) Sage is highly aromatic and fragrant, with a pungent, slightly bitter and astringent taste.

astringent taste example sentences

5) Sweetened vodka may also be infused with blackcurrant leaves making a deep greenish-yellow beverage with a tart flavour and astringent taste.

6) Sure, it had an astringent taste to it that plain caramel does not have, but Harvey liked it better that way.

7) The berries are of a pale yellow color, afterwards red, as big as a cherry, some perfectly round, others oval, all of them hollow with sower astringent taste; they are ripe in August and September.

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