
astound number in a sentence

1) Those "astounding numbers " refer to five-year survival rates.

2) The country is home to an astounding number of mammal species.

astound collocations
3) There are an astounding number of perspectives regarding your question.

4) That is an astounding number .

astound number example sentences

5) It is astounding the number of unorthodox teachings making inroads into the mainline denominational churches today.

6) The effect of removing 33 million cars out of 62 million is a pretty astounding number !

7) At the time, 23 musicians was an astounding number of musicians for a pop record.

8) Even though this statistic includes people who receive short term disability, it is an astounding number .

9) Kael notes that "beginning in 1926, Mankiewicz worked on an astounding number of films.

10) I have met an astounding number of different, interesting, clever, sometimes downright terrifying people at University.

11) As the 17th-century philosopher Blaise Pascal wrote, "There's a God-shaped vacuum in every heart." But an astounding number of seekers try to fill that void with seductive substitutes.

12) Buy through Saks for $1795.brillen misterIn a show with such an astounding number of beautiful handbags, I barely know where to begin.

13) He discovered numerous ancestors who served in a variety of Arkansas units, with an astounding number coming from the Randolph County area.

14) Most people agree that an astounding number of Americans live outside the mainstream financial system and this often has a negative impact on their financial lives and futures.

example sentences with astound

15) In Wilkes-Barre, the water was measured at 42.66 feet, an astounding number compared to the record of 40.90 feet Hurricane Agnes set in 1972.

16) It's a routine 1940s musical with a corny wartime romantic plot, but it's got these astounding, surrealistic production numbers by Busby Berkeley.

17) The phenomenon of MIAs became particularly notable during World War I, where the mechanized nature of modern warfare meant that a single battle could cause astounding numbers of casualties.

18) Mutations in the lamin A gene are responsible for an astounding number of human diseases including the devastating early aging syndrome Hutchison Gilford Progeria.

19) The astounding number of climbers who now attempt to reach the summit on the limited number of days when the weather is favorable presents a new kind of hazard.

20) Jody Arlington is a communications and policy strategist for the independent film and documentary community, and the owner of a truly astounding number of graphic novels.

21) An astounding number of more than 300 students attended this year's event, including a 60-member delegation from the University of Pretoria.

22) The sheer size of the universe and the astounding number of ships to fly, solar systems to visit and commodities to buy blew me away." Adrenaline Vault October 2003

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