
assure security in a sentence

1) Canadian troops have remained in the area to assure security and peace, as Taliban insurgencies were frequent in the following months.

2) From the tenant's point of view, he has assured security for the term of the lease, subject to compliance with his obligations and continuing solvency.

assure collocations
3) A. All records kept on a client are stored under lock and key and are disposed of in a manner that assures security and confidentiality.

4) Phase 2, which includes the construction of a concentrator in Wisconsin, is expected to reduce costs and assure security of sand supply through the control of a frac sand mine in Wisconsin.

assure security example sentences

5) More recently, the Minneapolis Police Department has made efforts to work closely with local community organizations and residents to more effectively assure security.

6) Although it helped assure security of supply in the 1970s, the extension became a threat to Canadian oil producers after deregulation in 1985.

7) Forming the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the alliance was tasked with assuring security until humanitarian efforts aimed at stabilizing the situation were transferred to the UN.

8) To assure security for Government departments, IUS-N provides the government with a secure DSL connection to IUS-N's satellite Internet link, at no cost.

9) If stipulated storage time has lapsed, destroy the paper files by shredding the hard copies through the services of a company that assures security in the shredding process.

10) assure security operation is conducted in an effective and efficient manner with all stakeholders and comply with Government regulations/internal company policy.

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