
assumptive in a sentence

1) assumptive and silly, hiding behind a computer screen.

2) This entry describes the assumptive foundations of the RSI model.

3) Unmindful leaders see vision as the assumptive delegation of action into the future.

4) This is because individuals have a tendency to lose focus due to self-distraction and assumptive inclusions.

assumptive example sentences

5) The assumptive priorities of the mob, the authorities, and the industrial society are ultimately merged.

6) In the assumptive, the distinction appears to be not between present versus past, but indefinite versus definite.

7) The assumptive premises serve as the philosophical basis which supports the Culture Care: Diversity and Universality Theory.

8) Manufacturers will sometimes make assumptive conclusions and statements when they don't really have any data to their claims.

9) And in the end, all hypotheses are based on logically assumptive premises that remain to be tested by experiment.

10) Is there an in-built tendency for continuous, unbroken cultures to become more compressed, assumptive, allusive and tacit over time?

11) Notions of 'political ideology', and of an 'assumptive world', were developed to account for their behaviour (see respectively Dearlove, 1973; Young and Kramer, 1978).

12) Where Modern Times manifests the problems of mechanization largely within the social and economic system, Fury depicts crowd behavior with assumptive allusions to the mechanical world.

13) In two weeks the Bears had gone from being the assumptive 1 team to being out of the hunt for the Rose Bowl.

14) Soril the Barbarian: A mighty warrior, and assumptive chieftain of a Viking tribe, was also a Roman galley slave until Alian sets him free.

example sentences with assumptive

15) The conditions of the covenant of grace were spoken of as assumptive and confirmatory rather than duties required in order to receive the covenant.

16) It can also be assumptive, drawing lessons from a completed action or project or an organisation at a later point in time or circumstance.

17) The enigmatic finale emphasizes the extra (dis)ordinary ambiguity of the assumptive enunciate, Borowczyk does not seem to want to close a poetic perception into the cage of his own explanation.

18) "Please think bigger" is a very assumptive statement.

19) out later on but again try not to be too assumptive.

20) Again the temptation to become assumptive","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1056500293},

21) "What we actually have here is another example of Mr. Till's amazing assumptive powers that underly a majority of his unbiased contextual examination.

22) assumptive PREMISES

23) They can use the 'alternative close', the 'assumptive close', the'summary close', or the'special-offer close', among others. [ 6 ] Finally, the salesperson must remember to follow up.

24) judgment modality: (assumptive mood, declarative mood, deductive mood, dubitative mood, hypothetical mood, interrogative mood, speculative mood)

25) the potential, or assumptive, which is marked by the invariant "[ḵot/khad]" (Persian "ḵāh-ad" "it is wanted, intended") combined with the indicate and subjunctive forms.

26) running at your financial obligation is a nobble. kind of than assumptive you legal instrument sleep with no clew how to operation. ne'er go to on any their grades are.

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