
assumes in a sentence

1) The following example assumes exactly five total numbers being added.

2) This simple formula assumes force is constant.

3) Our analysis assumes discretionary programs are fully funded.

4) The above assumes each circle has positive radius.

assumes example sentences

5) The formula above assumes zero output impedance.

6) The method assumes small amplitude oscillations without flow separation.

7) But structure of manuals assumes systematic reading.

8) State regulation assumes the consumer protection load.

9) This article assumes everybody wants the "best".

10) This assumes that both startup options are enabled.

11) The simple picture assumes a steady state.

12) Ordinary least squares regression assumes that "φ" = ∞.

13) This assumes a 75% vaccination rate.

14) A band director or corps director assumes administrative responsibility.

example sentences with assumes

15) An older analysis assumes eight tones rather than six.

16) The preceding table assumes the following definitions.

17) A conservative estimate assumes each person knows 150 people.

18) This assumes standard air temperature and pressure conditions.

19) Rated gross power assumes certain conditions with both.

20) The article assumes Apolo has officially retired.

21) The above assumes that the floor is solid!

22) Your employer assumes the financial risk and designs coverage accordingly.

23) The definition of value assumes a sale occurs.

24) Delivery performance is particularly poignant and assumes a high visibility.

25) That assumes they are not already dead!

26) Therefore the nature of retribution assumes importance.

27) It assumes that our naive experience is already theoretical.

How to use assumes in a sentence

28) Ethnic nationalism assumes the establishment of certain relationships across cultural boundaries.

29) The calculation above assumes expenses for a single person.

30) This assumes that nature only manufactures efficient designs.

31) This argument assumes that the relationship is linear.

32) And accreditation assumes the threats to academic quality load.

33) This assumes a world of secure property rights.

34) To believe otherwise assumes that the public is totally incompetent.

35) The normal curve assumes a random distribution of results.

36) The principle of justice assumes impartiality and equality.

37) The following description assumes this form of organisation.

38) This guidance assumes the current market outlook for fuel prices.

39) It assumes that all production factors are operating perfectly.

40) The baseline projection of 120 units assumes no office development.

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