
assume title in a sentence

1) Certain diplomatic titles were often assumed to be cover jobs.

2) In 1975 it assumed the present title .

assume collocations
3) Its title was assumed at a later date.

4) The board of education assumed title to school forest.

assume title example sentences

5) In 344 BC he assumed the title of king.

6) Panama was originally 1st Runner-Up and assumed the title .

7) He assumed the imperial title of "Maharajadhiraja".

8) Lithuanian rulers then assumed the title over Ruthenia.

9) He then assumed the title of Emperor of Yan.

10) He assumed the title of Muzaffar Shah.

11) In August 1957, Mohammed V assumed the title of king.

12) Athena has since assumed the new godly title of Athena Panhellenios.

13) In 272, Aurelian assumed the same title as Philip.

14) Magowan also assumed the title of President in 1956.

example sentences with assume

15) Strange then assumed the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

16) Hence, we see many small-time jagos assuming local titles .

17) In exile Charles Louis assumed the title of count of Villafranca.

18) It was not known to Ryūkyū how many rulers assumed the title .

19) Kumaragupta I assumed the title, "Mahendraditya".

20) The right to assume the title of bakhshi is subject to specific conditions.

21) The Noldor monarchs assumed the title "High King" in Middle-earth.

22) Upon ascending the throne, Felipe assumed the same titles held by his father.

23) After his abdication Charles Louis assumed the title of Count of Villafranca.

24) assumed the title of Amir-ul-Mu'minin.

25) Duke Ernest the Iron and his descendants unilaterally assumed the title "archduke".

26) His name (and newly assumed title ) is a play on Stanley Tools.

27) In his absence Ian Benjamin has assumed the top marksman's title with seven.

How to use assume in a sentence

28) The British High Commissioner in Italy will assume the additional title of Ambassador.

29) General Yahya assumed the titles of Chief Martial Law Administrator and President.

30) Torquemada eventually assumed the title of Inquisitor-General (Peters 1988: 89).

31) Colonel H.C. Kar comments: "He assumed the title of Vikramaditya.

32) In winter 941, Wang Xi assumed the full title of "Huangdi".

33) When Edward's father, the king, dies, Tom assumes the title .

34) The Turks remained in control of certain small areas, assuming the title of Raja.

35) In the Roman Republic, this was an honorary title assumed by certain military commanders.

36) He assumed the title of Muttarasa and ruled from AD 726 to 788.

37) King Gojong assumed the title of Emperor in order to assert Korea's independence.

38) Lehigh County assumed title in 1935 and has been in control of the site ever since.

39) The Committee members elect a chairman of the committee who assumes the title of Mayor.

40) Wallenstein assumed the title of "Admiral of the North and Baltic Seas".

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