
assume responsibility in a sentence

1) The state assumed funding responsibility in 1942.

2) Children are often ill equipped to assume responsibility .

assume collocations
3) The 121st also assumed base support responsibilities .

4) A band director or corps director assumes administrative responsibility .

assume responsibility example sentences

5) Counties increasingly assume greater responsibility for their high needs youth.

6) Individuals assume full responsibility and accountability of wireless network communications.

7) The instructor does not assume this responsibility .

8) Men returning from service seemed reluctant to assume responsibility .

9) The team assumes responsibility for teacher training and monitoring.

10) They beg their faculty to assume additional teaching responsibilities .

11) We have assumed public responsibility for demonstrating integrated living patterns.

12) They assumed primary responsibility for Canal defense.

13) They don't assume personal responsibility without prompting or reminding.

14) The state has assumed responsibility for 131 of the sites statewide.

example sentences with assume

15) Titan assumes no responsibility to update the information.

16) You will assume certain risk responsibility that may endanger your life.

17) No other organization can assume this responsibility .

18) Some of its members are already assuming other responsibilities .

19) assume personal responsibility for safety and the environment.

20) Quit assuming responsibility for your spouse's imperfections.

21) Families.com assumes no responsibility for consumer choices.

22) The royal household assumed responsibility for royal travel in April 1997.

23) assume responsibility for your employees' mistakes.

24) Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing.

25) The Admiralty assumed responsibility for managing the contracts.

26) Scott assumed responsibility for the Union defeat.

27) The patient should assume the responsibility at some point.

How to use assume in a sentence

28) The member should not assume management responsibilities for the attest client.

29) No responsibility assumed for late e-mail entries. 6.

30) Serrano immediately assumed temporary responsibility for foreign affairs.

31) He suggested that Japan's military assume primary responsibility .

32) These formal structures initially assumed major responsibility for personal and social services.

33) CfBT does not assume responsibility for third party applications.

34) The life underwriter generally assumes responsibility in this situation.

35) The District assumes no responsibility for documents sent through the mail.

36) She assumed additional responsibility for the Arts portfolio in 2004.

37) The Board also assumes total fiduciary responsibility for the school .

38) The school cannot assume responsibility for lost or stolen belongings.

39) He refuse to assume the responsibility of being an individual.

40) Many ended their participation in sports when they assumed family responsibilities .

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