
assume leadership in a sentence

1) Andy Schleck assumed leadership of the overall classification.

2) The Earl assumed leadership of the rebellion in a spectacular manner.

assume collocations
3) Often we assume leadership to be a single, monolithic quality.

4) Several ARVN generals then assumed leadership of South Vietnam.

assume leadership example sentences

5) Dr. Osotimehin assumed leadership in January 2011.

6) He assumed the leadership of UMCOR in 2007.

7) In 1996, Bruce Perens assumed the project leadership .

8) Zarda then assumed leadership of the Squadron.

9) Leon Jarecki assumed the leadership of Mt.

10) The Frankish merchant Samo assumed leadership of the Slave tribe union.

11) Chiang Kai-shek assumed leadership of the Kuomintang in 1926.

12) He assumed leadership of the movement.

13) Castillo effectively took power in 1940; he formally assumed leadership in 1942.

14) He recently left the Legion to assume leadership of Terror Firma .

example sentences with assume

15) Philip no longer desired to assume the leadership of the Protestant party.

16) Strasberg assumed leadership of the studio in 1951 as its artistic director.

17) Mike and Geoff assumed leadership of the league and made several key changes.

18) Mikoto later assumes leadership of the villains at Lije's request.

19) This forced Katsuya Okada to assume leadership of the party.

20) Voigt assumed the overall race leadership .

21) He resigned in 1848 to assume leadership of the American Unitarian Association.

22) Bishop O.T. Jones Sr.assumed leadership as the Senior Bishop.

23) Hemlock assumes leadership of the team.

24) Clerke assumed leadership of the expedition.

25) There, Eva was always a great favourite and able to assume leadership easily.

26) He assumed leadership of the Nation's Temple No. 2 in Chicago.

27) Louis Spiegel assumed leadership in the organization when Ruth Norman died in 1993.

How to use assume in a sentence

28) Robin assumes leadership, and moves out of the shadow of his mentor.

29) Following Megatron's supposed death, Starscream assumes leadership of the Decepticons.

30) Mondory took the stage win, and Ravard assumed the overall race leadership .

31) Greenpeace activist, David McTaggart, assumed overall leadership of Greenpeace International.

32) Drucci and Moran now assumed joint leadership of the North Side Gang.

33) They in turn quarrelled, with Dingane assuming leadership of the Zulu.

34) The First Lady was approached by the Women's League to assume leadership .

35) By collective consent, the "Maggid" assumed the leadership of Hasidism.

36) In the field of world service the Board of Trustees assumes the primary leadership .

37) Kelpius assumed leadership of the order when Zimmerman died in Rotterdam shortly before departure.

38) In 1994, Ron Stoddart, a California adoption attorney, assumed leadership .

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