
assume authority in a sentence

1) A boy needs responsibility; he also needs to assume authority.

2) It urged the Council to assume authority for the entire system.

authority collocations
3) Cleopatra uses language to undermine Antony's assumed authority over her.

4) Likewise the viceroy assumed authority to appoint high commissioners to Commonwealth countries.

assume authority example sentences

5) Each occupation power assumed authority in their respective zones by June 1945.

6) That was after the parachute team had assumed authority and ordered the liberation.

7) With her firm opinions and her ramrod posture, Apollonia assumes authority easily.

8) The managers exercise leadership by assuming authority and direct others to act within the organisation.

9) He should not assume authority for himself, but impute all authority to his lord.

10) In the scene, Godolphin, a naval officer, assumes authority and rescues a foundering party.

11) Kemal assumed authority over the "Anafarta section" which spanned from Suvla south to Chunuk Bair.

12) The Min family including Queen Min assumed authority, but relations between Japan and Korea did not turn better.

13) When Fury and the Avengers arrive, Fury declares the battle zone a crime scene and assumes authority over it.

14) However, the Canaanites naturally assumed authority over Abraham, for he was living as a guest in their land.

example sentences with authority

15) The legislation ending its existence moved 200 former ICC employees to the TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, which assumed authority over former ICC functions deemed essential by Congress.

16) Should He declare her worthy of death, He could be accused to the Romans as one who was assuming authority that belonged only to them.

17) It brought me back to being a kid and feeling that my own mom was being unfair and there was absolutely nothing I could do since she had assumed authority.

18) This is particularly so because other agencies may be inclined, unless corrective steps are taken, to assume authority properly belonging to the War Department.

19) In assuming authority over Abraham, they became liable for him as well, for authority and responsibility always go in equal measures.

20) In the TS at that time, there was a group of people who claimed to have contact with the Masters, and who assumed authority for themselves.

21) If Edgar speaks the last words, they appear a sort of reproof to Albany while Edgar assumes authority over the hopes of the future.

22) The Omaha Transit Company ceased operations on June 30, 1972, when the City of Omaha assumed authority for public transportation in the city.

23) In 1975, OHP created the position of Communications Director, who functioned as the Division's head, to assume authority over all OHP communication services.

24) It assumed authority for the 177th Fighter Interceptor Group at Atlantic City Air National Guard Base and the 125th Fighter Interceptor Group at Jacksonville Air National Guard Base.

25) At the request of Lieutenant Governor Parkers, General Andrew P. O'Meara, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, assumed authority over the Canal Zone.

26) On that topic, I agree with the theory of Art's comments, and side with Cletus' views on assuming authority.

27) On 12 September 1942, the leader of one strong group approached Fertig, hoping to use him as a front (i.e. representing American military forces) to assume authority over the entire island.

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