
assumable in a sentence

1) Loans are assumable, provided the assumer is qualified.

2) Facilities: 4000 Sq Foot free standing office building with assumable lease.

3) assumable lease with option to buy.

4) To ensure that your local lender chase bank, please contact their assumable mortgages.

assumable example sentences

5) Vancouver assumable pictures, we have the largest supply of houses, condos.

6) What is an assumable mortgage?

7) Conservation of mass is laughed at; any size from mouse to elephant is easily assumable.

8) Your ex can only assume a loan if the loan is assumable in the first place.

9) If that is the case, an assumable mortgage is an advantage to both buyer and seller.

10) Or as an investment qualifies for fha, va, conv, assumable loan with down.

11) We had an assumable loan on paper, and a buyer, but conseco would not let location.

12) Annual Revenue: 165.000 Facilities: assumable lease with office space and reception area and 6 computer workstations.

13) I found out that she has an assumable mortgage at 7.5% with a balance of $40,000.

14) An assumable mortgage means that if you sell your house, a purchaser can take over your mortgage.

example sentences with assumable

15) Another technique used to assumable restore stability of the thumb, is a ligament reconstruction after a trapeziectomy is performed.

16) Home forclosures assumable mortgages.

17) Like Link, Princess Zelda has multiple incarnations in the series, varying in physical age, appearance and assumable disposition.

18) Fannie Mae Guidelines for a conventional loan does not allow any loan to be assumable by new owners regardless of the circumstances.

19) If it is assumable then you may want to go in that direction, provided that your ex qualifies to assume the loan, rather than refinancing.

20) If interest rates have gone up since you got your mortgage, the lower interest rate of your assumable mortgage will be a good selling point.

21) Further, the body, which the assumption presupposes, is assumable: but the body is not assumable except as united to a rational soul; for an inanimate body is not said to be assumable.

22) Further, the body, which the assumption presupposes, is assumable: but the body is not assumable except as united to a rational soul; for an inanimate body is not said to be assumable.

23) Further, the body, which the assumption presupposes, is assumable: but the body is not assumable except as united to a rational soul; for an inanimate body is not said to be assumable.

24) The size and the assumable content agree with those of the codex, but this is all of the information given in the catalogue, so it may only be a hint.

25) Conventional mortgages are not assumable and rarely if they are, and may accrue prepayment penalties if the homeowner decides to sell or refinance their home earlier than expected.

26) Side by Side Comparison Round Up It's quite assumable that with the increasing amount of bicycles in Bangladesh, the companies will come with better bikes at lower price to attract the masses.

27) The Federal Housing Administration currently has mortgages that are assumable in certain cases and it's astounding they are hardly ever mentioned as more significant assets.

28) assumable mortgage : An assumable mortgage allows a new borrower who qualifies for the terms of an existing mortgage to transfer the note upon purchase of the home.

29) assumable mortgage : An assumable mortgage allows a new borrower who qualifies for the terms of an existing mortgage to transfer the note upon purchase of the home.

30) Click here or scroll down for risk premium calculator the us treasury bill t. Although the fha has changed some of their requirements, it s important to take note that fha loans are still assumable.

31) It is assumable that the higher day therapy costs for patients with impaired renal function may result from the increased use of ARBs.

32) "I'm not sure what you mean by "transferring" the FHA loan – are you referring to FHA loans being assumable?

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