
assonance in a sentence

1) You may allow yourself to use assonances.

2) Such a reliance on assonance is found in very few English poems.

assonance collocations
3) He also frequently uses alliteration and assonance.

4) Apuleius' "prose is a mosaic of internal rhymes and assonances.

assonance example sentences

5) It is sometimes stated that ancient Hebrew texts demonstrate assonance more often than rhyme.

6) The poem is also rife with imagery, alliteration, and assonance.

7) assonance : Repetition of internal vowel sounds of words close together in poetry .

8) There is usually some kind of assonance scheme or metrical pattern underpinning the whole.

9) Are there any phonological patterns of rhyme, alliteration, assonance, etc?

10) Use these lists to help you get busy and work off your assonance.

11) King simply changed the names of the mountains and used much more alliteration and assonance.

12) In three-line stanzas, the assonance is between the first and the third.

13) Alliteration and assonance also feature strongly, enhancing the aural qualities of the poetry.

14) The devices alliteration, assonance and consonance are also common in Howard's works.

example sentences with assonance

15) Margolin's work pioneered the use of assonance and consonance in Yiddish verse.

16) Rhyme, alliteration, assonance and consonance are ways of creating repetitive patterns of sound.

17) Virgil also incorporated such poetic devices as alliteration, onomatopoeia, synecdoche, and assonance.

18) This careful diction emphasised simple words as the basic unit and occasional uses of alliteration and assonance.

19) Indeed, assonance is prominent in ancient Hebrew texts - as are other forms of "sound matching.

20) assonance and similarity hypothesis is that the derivation from couscous, the typical Arab dish and buckwheat.

21) The metres are short and contain many irregular lines while still retaining an overall regularity of assonance and rhythm.

22) Later lines do not contain the same amount of symmetry but do rely on assonance and rhymes throughout.

23) These are elements like assonance, alliteration, dialog, onomatopeia, powerful verbs, rhyme and more.

24) Sound devices that add to the aural appeal in your poetry include alliteration, consonance, and assonance.

25) Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects.

26) These are stanzas consisting of two verses that rhyme, maybe the same rhyme, a consonant or assonance.

27) His lyrics contain layered rhythms, multi-syllabic compounded rhymes, internal half rhymes, assonance, and ear-bending enjambment.

How to use assonance in a sentence

28) This system of assonance can be found in approximately a tenth of the lines of Keats's later poetry.

29) Alliteration and assonance played a key role in structuring early Germanic, Norse and Old English forms of poetry.

30) It has assonance instead of rhyme and its lines vary in length, the most common length being fourteen syllables.

31) Hungarian vowel harmony classifies the vowels according to front vs. back assonance and rounded vs unrounded for the front vowels.

32) Gottfried also uses detailed word and sound patterns, playing with such things as rhyme, alliteration, and assonance.

33) More experienced observers tended to note a greater number of aspects and produced related clusters and sub-groups indicative of sensed assonances.

34) Januszczak's (1986) criticism of this work reveals some of the assonances and similarities it was able to generate.

35) In skaldic poetry, the dróttkvætt stanza had eight lines, each having three "lifts" produced with alliteration or assonance.

36) Also in Amharic, complete assonance is not infrequent when verbs are in the 3rd person masculine singular, past tense.

37) Notice that in both of these cases of complete assonance, the vowel is, the most common vowel in human languages.

38) The photographs are linked across the book by fleeting resemblances, oppositions, repetitions, the pictorial equivalents of assonance and half-rhyme.

39) I also make use of assonance (rima asonante) as well as the more familiar English rhyme ( rima consonante ).

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