
associative learning in a sentence

1) These three types were described under associative learning .

2) It often prepares organisms for associative learning .

associative collocations
3) Contrast set learning is a form of associative learning .

4) associative learning provides explanations for basic forms of learning.

associative learning example sentences

5) The MAPK cascade is required for mammalian associative learning .

6) In the case of animals, this usually means associative learning .

7) Analogous experiments have demonstrated associative learning in rats.

8) In this case this is the link whereby associative learning takes place.

9) The two forms of associative learning are classical and operant conditioning.

10) Anatomically, the basolateral complex is well positioned for associative learning .

11) associative learning between odors and behavioral responses takes place in the amygdala.

12) Manatees are capable of understanding discrimination tasks and show signs of complex associative learning .

13) associative learning will have taken place.

14) Under these circumstances, the behavior is learned by associative learning rather than instinctive.

example sentences with associative

15) Neuronal responsiveness to various sensory stimuli, and associative learning in the rat amygdala.

16) Hebbian associative learning and memory maintenance depends on synaptic normalization mechanisms to prevent synaptic runaway.

17) The kind of associative learning shown by rats and pigeons in these experiments is often called conditioning.

18) Classical conditioning: (also Pavlovian conditioning or respondent conditioning) A type of associative learning .

19) Attempts have been made to conceptualize this primitive level of existence prior to associative learning and memory.

20) associative learning, which includes both classical and operant conditioning and emphasises mechanical connections or associations between events.

21) By contrast with their failure to affect habituation, the protein synthesis inhibitors did produce amnesia for associative learning .

22) The second argument is based on the conclusion derived in Chapter 4 that associative learning tends to be context-dependent.

23) The associative learning will increase Answer: Ideally, you should adjust the mode of repetition to your goal.

24) Thus, anxiety is due to maturation, rather than associative learning of anxiety (Rachman, 1977).

25) Overall, experimental psychopathology research based on associative learning has generated considerable basic and clinical research into anxiety and avoidance.

26) Projections from the ventral striatum are links in a basal ganglia circuit that are important in stimulus-response associative learning .

27) Indeed it is even possible to produce a form of associative learning in which behavioural and neurophysiological inputs are mixed.

How to use associative in a sentence

28) A convenient distinction, which helps to organize the research on learning, is that between non-associative and associative learning .

29) associative learning is the process by which an association between two stimuli or a behavior and a stimulus is learned.

30) Summary: Operant conditioning is a form of associative learning through which an animal learns about the consequences of its behavior.

31) Two closely related models postulate that mirror neurons are trained through Hebbian or associative learning (see associative Sequence Learning).

32) Thus sensitization lacks the specificity which is the hallmark of truly associative learning in which a particular pairing of stimuli is achieved.

33) There are two general forms of learning: genetically prepared learning, e.g. instincts, and associative learning, e.g. classical conditioning.

34) associative learning, in animal behaviour, is any learning process in which a new response becomes associated with a particular stimulus.

35) If we are right in our inferences about the rules for associative learning, they clearly do seem to have adapted qualities.

36) After it has served its purpose, though, this sign stimulus is replaced by associative learning with a far more detailed picture of the flower.

37) associative learning is the process by which an animal comes to replace an innately recognised cue - the sign stimulus - with another cue or set of cues.

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