
associated document in a sentence

1) Contacts to their associated documents and folders inside of ACT!.

2) To see the country's REDD+ readiness progress and associated documents click here .

associated collocations
3) Recent work on Domesday and associated documents implies that late Anglo-Saxon government kept extensive written records.

4) Search URLs specify searches for particular databases and may have an associated HTML document that describes the search.

associated document example sentences

5) The application and its associated documents may be found on the Mole Valley web site using the link.

6) In the interests of all parties we will get you to sign a short assured tenancy agreement and associated documents .

7) The USSR Successor States shall assume the rights and obligations of the former USSR under the Treaty and its associated documents .

8) At its heart are computer-generated models connecting all graphical and tabular information about the design, construction and operation of the asset and associated documents .

9) A bit like waiting for buses, you wait a long time for the promised draft of the SEN Code of Practice and then 4 associated documents appear all on the same date.

10) In 2010, the Centre launched a platform for the publication and dissemination of research and analysis on hearth tax records and other associated documents .

11) Capture, administration, visualization, and delivery of grouped information with its associated documents or data

12) Wikimedia Commons keeps copies of the leaked PowerPoint slides, and other associated documents here: :Commons:Category:PRISM (surveillance program)

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