
assess respond in a sentence

1) This shows very good practice in terms of assessing and responding to members' views.

assess collocations
2) It involves activities like scanning, detecting, projecting, assessing , responding and tracking.

3) We assess and respond to existing, emerging and changing community needs through grants to eligible organizations.

assess respond example sentences

4) Instead, women may benefit more from interactions with trained staff who can assess and respond to their individual needs.

5) Executive leadership should grant Red Team activities greater autonomy to investigate, assess and respond to critical events and suspicious activity.

6) The collective allegations are that they failed to properly assess and respond to the circumstances in which they found Mr. Dziekański.

7) Assess and respond to the outcomes of this summer's AS and A2 examinations and plan for translating this knowledge into positive action.

8) My brothers and I role-played miscellaneous injuries and then we judged the scouts' ability to appropriately assess and respond to the situation.

9) Yet while German philosophy moved on to assess and respond to Kant's legacy, Kant himself continued publishing important works in the 1790's.

10) At any stage of the process of identifying, assessing , and responding to risk, was inaction and the rationale for it explored?

11) Therefore, the ability to assess and respond to the instructional needs of individual students is a basic understanding of the cognitive processes involved in reading.

12) We work with teams to map response protocols that empower marketers to quickly assess and respond in negative, neutral and positive situations," says Bradfield.

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