
assembly point in a sentence

1) All 50 assembly points were reportedly experiencing acute food shortages.

assembly collocations
2) Workers rushed to their designated assembly points .

3) Most of the assembly points had intense media scrutiny.

assembly point example sentences

4) On 31 July it left for the regimental assembly point at Catbalogan.

5) To encourage this process, UN monitors would distribute food supplies from the assembly points .

6) Paths were worn between one friendly community and another, between markets and recognized assembly points .

7) The allied army continued to make its way to the assembly point at Gualeguaichu.

8) A proportion of the ships sunk were en route to assembly points for convoys to Britain.

9) A total of nine assembly points were established with 10 soldiers and five military observers at each.

10) The company prepared to move to a new assembly point in the vicinity of Carentan.

11) The deadline for the LRA fighters to finish gathering at the assembly points was 1 December.

12) Dozens of added travelers dashed up to the assembly point in taxicabs at the last moment.

13) Instead they mutinied at the assembly point , and defeated a Roman force sent against them.

14) On Aug. 13 the CCPM reported that assembly points were ready to accept troops from both sides.

15) From these assembly points the rotational function of the remaining linkages were established and reproduced in graphical form.

example sentences with assembly point

16) Individual corps commanders had to improvise solutions to bring their full complement of soldiers to their assembly points .

17) We instigate more property damage and police battles in the morning near the assembly point of the march.

18) The fibre orientation is highly dependent on the decelerating fibres arriving at the assembly point through the turbulent flow.

19) The final assembly point was at Ostend, and the operation D-day was fixed as 1 November 1944.

20) Multiple 747s with Arabic lettering on their sides are already in Tampa, suggesting another secret assembly point .

21) If the zero reference point is arranged to be at that assembly point then the assembly procedures are eased.

22) They claimed they were on their way to UN assembly points inside Namibia, which do not exist.

23) In the Civil War, both Parliamentarian and Royalist forces probably used the Downs as an assembly points .

24) Escape and exit routes were pre-planned and concealed in advance, with later regrouping at a planned assembly point .

25) The alleged coup was to include the assassination of Mugabe and coordinated assaults on guerrilla assembly points throughout the country.

26) The military function was also encouraged: Le Havre was an assembly point for the French fleet during the wars.

27) Nine assembly points were established by the UN, with up to twelve soldiers and five military observers at each.

28) Several days after he left Kazan to be examined by a draft board, assembly point being in Ätnä village.

How to use assembly point in a sentence

29) By 02:40 only around 40 per cent of the 7th Parachute Battalion had reached their assembly point .

30) They were straightened, then cut to length on a saw, drilled, and placed adjacent to their assembly points .

31) Fort Howe became instrumental in curtailing privateer action and was used as an assembly point for attacks on the 13 Colonies.

32) The sun was low on the horizon now and the birds were still flying in from 'pre-roost assembly points '.

33) Under the terms of the peace accord, both UNITA and the government should have confined their troops to assembly points .

34) Timings are arranged to allow most people to reach the assembly point from home that day by car or public transport.

35) The market cross was the traditional centre of the village and also an assembly point for local farm labourers available for hire.

36) Even before the war, Gibraltar had been designated as one of the main assembly points for convoys heading inbound to Europe.

37) This required the squadron members (supported by British signallers) to work as infantry and man border and internal assembly points .

38) The aircraft was subsequently re-registered N227SV, with ownership being assembly point Aviation, which offers the aircraft for charter.

39) The base was a staging post for Allied traffic in the South Atlantic and the assembly point for SL convoys to Britain.

40) Early in the morning of the 16th the company moved to an assembly point maintaining itself in a state of readiness for support of the 39th Inf.

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