
ask for autograph in a sentence

1) Players who appeared before the judge were asked for autographs.

2) Some dealers would locate a celebrity's home address and write to them repeatedly asking for autographs.

autograph collocations
3) He was taken to a room where officers and other detainees recognised him and asked for autographs.

4) The band continues to be a celebrated part of the University community; some members report being asked for autographs.

ask for autograph example sentences

5) It was an absolutely great talk and I actually thought people were going to rush the stage and ask for autographs afterwards.

6) Racing cyclists generally like to meet their fans at the beginning of a stage, but don't ask for autographs today.

7) They checked into the St Regis Hotel and when some people discovered who he was, they called at his hotel room and asked for autographs.

8) He fed mints to dray horses, said hello to a caged European eagle owl called Gonzo and let two barn owls fly on and off his arm as a smiling crowd clapped and asked for autographs.

9) I'm not sure why, but I really like that Mastercard commercial where Peyton Manning is cheering and asking for autographs of people doing their regular jobs.

10) Not only are screen stars asked for autographs when they appear in public but they are even approached while making pictures and often receive hundreds of letters with the same requests.

11) In fact, many officers were reluctantly vouching for me; some people were asking for autographs and a Pakistani fan even said he knew who I was.

12) One of her jobs on days when she wasn't shooting was to answer the piles of letters she received asking for autographs.

13) The series ended with Valerie Cherish being surrounded by fans asking for autographs, and the implication was that she had achieved the comeback she desired.

14) Under surveillance, three security police wonder whether to ask for autographs","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1027290529},

example sentences with autograph

15) (Juul Haalmeyer himself reports still being asked for autographs years later.)

16) "Royal Orleans" was the name of a hotel where the members of Led Zeppelin would stay when they visited New Orleans, because not as many people asked for autographs there.

17) He adds sadly: 'It's impossible for me to go on a quiet date as I get recognised everywhere and asked for autographs.'

18) "The desert racing fans in Mexicali are awesome, they were asking for autographs, stickers and photos for hours," said Norman.

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